Wednesday, May 08, 2013

The real issue with Benghazi that no one will state out loud.

The real issue with Benghazi is that the US Ambassador for that nation was under attack.

An attempt to kill or capture him was under way and the people at AFRICOM, the State Department or the White House refused to send assistance to him.

Its bad enough if you're talking about a PFC in the Marine Corps but in this instance you're talking about a FLAG Ranked Official that was in danger.

No one is saying it out loud but that is the real issue.  Imagine if the Taliban actually made a concerted effort to kill General Amos during a visit to Afghanistan.

Imagine that assistance to aid him was refused.

That is the scandal in a nutshell but the thinking heads in DC lack the knowledge to pursue it.

NOTE:  If this incident went another way...if the attackers were smart enough to realize that an Ambassador as a hostage was more valuable...image the mess then!  Thank goodness that we have ruthless enemies instead of smart ones!

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