Thursday, May 16, 2013

This is how you do it!!!(graphic video...NSFW)


  1. I'm not sure if he was "minding his own business", its hard to be sure without a wider view.
    Drug deal gone bad?

    1. yeah i was going to pull down my narrative but i don't see it like that. looks like some type of shop owner got clocked on when he shuts down for the day and the bad guys didn't see that he carried a gun.

  2. Quite possible.
    I just couldnt quite see why he would keep walking between his car and the atm, it looks shady.
    Could be he owns the business and was waiting for the alarm to reset or some such.
    But it could also be nerves because he has something planned.

    In any event, the sheer uselessness of the average criminal continues to boggle the mind.
    How do you get killed by a guy in a car you have a gun pointed at?

    1. outstanding point...homeless people do that run to you when you're getting in your car thing and i swear one of them is going to get killed doing that trash.

    2. Sol,
      Can't see the video:
      "Video Unavailable
      This video has either been removed from Facebook or is not visible due to privacy settings."

      But your comment about people 'running up to you' getting themselves killed one day is spot on. About two months ago, I had just got out of my car to go into a restaurant for lunch in Fort Worth's 'Hospital District' (not the best part of town). Parking is at a premium, and so I had I to wedge my little sports car between two typical Texas SUV/Pickups in the small parking lot behind the restaurant, which is located on a corner so is open on one side. I saw no people in the lot when I pulled in. As I stepped out from between the vehicles, I picked up a guy in my peripheral vision moving towards me fast, practically running, and was about two steps from 'knife' range when I saw him. I stuck out one arm, reached inside my jacket and told him to back off as I did the same. He stopped in his tracks, held up his hands and started backing up, claiming he was only going to compliment me on my car" [Riiiiight]. I told him never run up to someone you don't know like that as he left the scene. I told the proprietor about my encounter, and when he went to check, the guy had moved down the street and was panhandling at another business. Obviously a slow learner.
      But there's a 'my bad' as well: I didn't have my weapon with me. I was being reflexive. I didn't have my weapon because I was coming from Carswell JRB and COULDN'T have my carry pistol. I should have declined the invitation for lunch. I can't begin to describe the feeling of reaching for a weapon that wasn't there when you wanted it.
      Since I'm not a particularly slow learner. I now don't go anywhere else if I'm going to the Base, as I have NO desire to experience that feeling again.

  3. He was the owner or a store employee.

    You can see him enter the business through a double door, close one door (and presumably lock it), leave through the other door, then return to lock the door.

    As to why the bad-guy failed, here are my thoughts:
    1. The safety was on
    2. He forgot to chamber a round
    3. A misfire
    4. It was a toy gun
    5. He was a coward and panicked


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