Sunday, May 05, 2013

We keep edging toward a Harpers Ferry moment.

John Brown (known to comic book fans like myself as someone who displays "chaotic good" characteristics) led a raid on Harpers Ferry that helped set the fuse to the first Civil War.  I'm not a Civil War buff but its noteworthy because US Marines led by Col Robert E. Lee participated in the battle with another notch in the win book for the "Greatest Fighting Organization The World Has Ever Known."

That's history.  The present is something a bit different and its forcing me to start reading more about the run up to the first civil war.  Check this out from BlackFive.
Libertarian activist and radio host Adam Kokesh is hoping to get 1,000 people to march on Washington on July 4 — armed with loaded rifles. The plan, launched with a Facebook group today, is to gather on the Virginia side of the Potomac, where gun laws are lax, and then march across the bridge with loaded rifles slung over their shoulders into the District, where openly carrying weapons is generally prohibited.

1000 people with AR-15's.

Marching on Washington DC.

What could go wrong?

How about everything.

The funny thing is this.  Someone, somewhere wants it to kick off. This march would be the perfect tool to get that done.

One idiot on either side that lets a round off could start a small scale war.  If this does happen someone will video tape  I wouldn't want to be within 5 miles of the event....too easy to get swept up in the ebb and flow of things...besides if it does go nasty it will be a free fire zone.   1000 unpermitted protesters?  10,000 gunned up cops.

Someone is going to die.


  1. so the rich can have bodyguards and we just fight back with forks

    1. Forks? Spoons. Plastic spoons. Or perhaps those little spatula things they give out if you buy your hot beverage from a truck at a sporting or similar event. But a real honest to goodness metal fork? No way. That would be dangerous. You could poke somebody in the eye or something. :)

  2. Vicktor...if you've followed my blog you know i'm rabidly pro-2nd amendment...i just think this is an idea that will lead to bloodshed...possibly on a massive scale.

    the heart is in the right place, the thinking behind it is just terrible.

  3. yes .but i think we got more people on our side.2nd amendment well stay and they well fail.

  4. remember how obama was saying he will not go against gun owners?

  5. Hey check this out:

    "The way law enforcement agencies approach online activity that appears sinister is this: 'If you’re not a terrorist, if you’re not a threat, prove it,' he says."

    So, we no longer have the right to free expression, we have to PROVE we aren't threats?


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