Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Did you work out today?

If you didn't get in that workout then the above pic should make you feel like the sorry little bitch that you are.



  1. Most of my gym kit is packed away for the rest of the year, but I've got my free weights out, only 20lbs per arm, so just killing the reps.

    1. ever heard of the 100's program? 100 reps of every exercise, everyday, for a month. hindu squats, pushups, pullups, crunches etc...mainly body weight work. you're suppose to start that in January and work your way up every two months adding 100 to your reps. by the end of the year you're doing 600 each exercise...body weight.

      its suppose to be the ultimate workout. no kettle bells, no tractor tires, no nothing just bare bones old skool Marine Corps style workout.

      of course the Marine Corps is doing crossfit so the old skool workout would probably smoke many guys today but its cool.

    2. I'm three stone overweight right now, so anything using my weight is going to be counter cyclical.
      And lifting weights makes me feel manly :)


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