Friday, June 28, 2013

Is Bahrain next to burn in the Middle East?

You want the US to go into a perverbial hissy fit foreign policy wise?  Let Bahrain become the next victim of the Arab Spring.

Watch the video and consider how hard the authorities in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia work to keep protests under wraps and think about what will happen if either goes under.


  1. Bahrain brings in Pakistani baluchis to do there policing.

  2. Well Barhain's been burning since Tunisia arose, with the protests on the so called "pearl square" (actually a simple roundabout which the governement simply erased from history to prevent it from becoming a rally point).

    The situation in the country is actually easy to understand by middle eastern standard : chiites muslims make up most of the population, sunni muslim do make up the whole higher class, little or no riches redistributions as we find in some of the other emirates, suspected iranian involvment and certain saudi military operations against the protesters. And a big US base in the middle, just to help with things...

  3. Paralus
    Thats nothing new.
    Literally, thats been the case for nearly a thousand years.


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