Friday, June 28, 2013

LCS. Back to the future is the only way to save the ship....

Thanks for reminding me of this concept David...its the only way to save the LCS now....

If the Navy was smart they would follow Lockheed Martin's lead and simply build the ships to certain specifications.  An anti-air, anti-sub, multi-mission and then build dedicated mine hunters is the only real answer.  But to continue on as they are is going to fail.  Only stubbornness and an inability to deal with reality will see the LCS, as it is currently envisioned, bought in large numbers.


  1. Which is why the LCS is doomed to fail and going to fall flat on the US Navy's Face. In reality, if were stuck with the LCS, they only place the LCS is good for is replacing the Cyclone class PC.

    1. If that's the case then its overbuilt for it.

    2. why do you say that? the Cyclone still has substantially more firepower and equal speed...the only thing the Cyclone doesn't have that the LCS does is a flight deck and that has more to do with evolution than an oversight with that design. i'd say that if we were looking to build a Cyclone replacement today we'd be looking at the LCS as its currently designed. so no. in my opinion it isn't overbuilt.


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