Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Modest proposal. Replace the legacy LCU with the LCM-1E.

The rumor mill (or at least I've gotten some e-mails indicating that its gonna happen) is swirling with the news that this year the Marine Corps is about to dedicate a couple of MV-22 squadrons to support MARSOC.

If true then MV-22s go back to being a premium asset and will probably become the sole domain of the Maritime Raid Force.  Fleet Marines will still need to get to shore so that puts boats at a premium..

The LCACs are awesome but they're loud, require extensive maintenance and are too few in number for us to put the rest of our eggs into.  That's why we should follow Australia's lead and procure the LCM-1E.  The same techniques that have been tested on the LCAC, like transporting AAVs from beyond the horizon and stopping short of the beach and letting them swim the last mile or two to shore should be doable.

The wiki article on the LCM-1E is here.


  1. my personal favriot modest proposal. that and your CB90 one. the Mistral and Absalon have too much exotic technology.

  2. even though this is my prefered choice I would only do it if the current LCU's are in really bad materiel condition.

  3. Good idea Sol.

    Leave the large landing craft to the Army who have all that heavy kit to move.

    LCM-1E is better fit for today's USMC.

    I do think the LCU is a lovely beast, but perhaps it's time has come.

    Is there any capacity on the MLP for lifting LCU into theatre. I am going off to see.

  4. The Navy just released an RFI N0002413SN09A on 4 June which again tries to replace their venerable LCU-1610 class under a Surface Connector Replacement program – SC(X)(R) for short.

    Of course large landing craft (I hate the surface connector buzz word~) are direly needed. Too bad non-conventional types are excluded but hopefully this will get landing craft at a reasonable price sooner?

    The Army landing vessels/boats are strictly for sustainment. The Army is getting OUT of the assault part all together. That is why the JHSVs went to MSC. AND the Army does not have ships to move most forward exception being LSVs.

    The MLP was not designed to be landing craft LIFT ship which was stupid IMHO.

    All that having been said, I DO like the Mike-1 Echos

    1. Don't think I mentioned the US Army assaulting anybody.

      The MLP is starting to look a bit silly.

    2. starting? it was a dumb idea from conception to execution...thats why SOCOM is about to have 3 brand new floating bases at the cost of some procurement stupidity.

  5. SOL for once I am in complete agreement with you re: MLP. It is the "NASSCO Beast".

    And disagree about MLP nee AFSB being for SOCOM. Partly because the navy staff have NOT even firmed up the rqmts for AFSB. My guess is the third ship will be cut. This two go to the MPSrons.


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