Friday, June 14, 2013

1st MEB Press Release goes full retard. "Historic" landing on Japanese ships? Really? Seriously?

This is getting embarrassing.

You put out a press release that you're going to "cross deck" the Marine Corps MV-22's on Japanese helo capable ships and instead of looking at it as business normal, you loudly proclaim that its HISTORIC!



Can someone in that head shed PLEASE take a step back and realize how stupid this sounds.  Its suppose to be able to take off and land like a helicopter, so whats historic about this?  Check out this quote from the release....
"The very first landing of an MV-22 Osprey on a Japanese ship is a historic moment for the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade and Marine Corps at large. Dawn Blitz provides us an opportunity to enhance our longstanding relationship with the Japanese and to highlight the capabilities of the MV-22 Osprey, which allows the Marine Corps to quickly respond to a crisis when launched from sea or land." – Brig. Gen. John Broadmeadow, 1st MEB commanding general.

Wow. I think the General hit all his marks...

**Buzzwords inserted into the statement?  Check!
**Proper brown nosing of the Commandants policy on promoting the V-22?  Check!
**Demonstrated kiss ass-itude required for promotion to the next rank...with added brown nosery to demonstrate that deep selection to the rank of Commandant and 4 stars will result in policy makers have a properly polished "hole"?  Check!
**Going full retard to show the world that you're an idiot?  Check!  

Failure abounds.  The Marine Corps is fucked.


  1. Couldn't they fit the word heroic in? I like it when media and PR use the word heroic in connection with the armed services.

    1. ok. i got it.

      The Heroic Men and Women of the 1st Marine Expeditionary Brigade, made HISTORY today by taking an airplane that lands and takes off like a helicopter...and used it to land on Japanese ships


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