Friday, June 14, 2013

The Aviation Mafia is killing the Corps.

Then come back.

Once you've done that check out the passages that I've highlighted below...
Former Marine Corps deputy commandant for aviation Lt. Gen. George Trautman agreed that the service will return to its traditional role in the vast stretches of the Pacific. “The presence of strength breeds prosperity and peace,” he said.
Another Aviator is being quoted in a story about the Marine Corps future.  Hold onto your wallet when the wing is in charge of anything.
Overall, the Marines are in good shape for the Pacific theater, having procured the Bell-Boeing MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor and the Lockheed Martin F-35B Joint Strike Fighter, Trautman noted. The only real problem is that the U.S. Navy has not agreed to provide the service with as many amphibious assault ships as the Marines believe they need.
“Other than the fact that the United States Navy is unable to provide them the amphibious lift that’s essential to moving large amounts of equipment and men and materiel around a vast ocean,” Trautman said, the service is in good shape.
No.  The General is wrong.  Marine Aviation is in good shape.  MARSOC is in good shape.  The conventional forces are in disarray.
Because of sequestration automatically cutting Pentagon outlays by 10 percent every year for 10 years, the U.S. government does not have a lot of spare cash. While the Marines clearly would like to have the high speed of the ACV, Work said the service simply may not be able to afford it. “The Marine Corps with LCACs, MV-22s, and the amphibious capabilities they have right now is a very capable force able to conduct complex ship-to-shore maneuver,” he said.
And with all of the capabilities the Marines are scheduled to receive in the coming years, like the heavy-lift Sikorsky CH-53K helicopter, the Marines will remain “a pretty damn good” force ideally suited for the Pacific even without the ACV, Work noted. Given the competing priorities of paying for the MV-22 and F-35B, there is a dearth of financial resources available to the Marines, especially if the sequestration law is not overturned. Whether and how the ACV fits into the mix will depend on exploratory work now being conducted on whether the Marines can get a platform capable of high water-speeds for an affordable price. “Ultimately, it’s a trade off,” he said. “What do you want to keep?”
Its clear.

They're setting up a scenario to make a pitch that the ACV is not needed.

Additionally they're setting it up to make the argument that an upgraded AAV will be sufficient, and that with the JLTV the ground side will be more agile and as protected as ever...especially in light of the new toys that the wing is getting.

So count on the ACV & the MPC to be cancelled by the aviation MAFIA riding roughshod over the Marines.

Amos has to go.

We don't need another Aviator in the Commandants Chair and where are the retired Marine Corps Commandants from the Infantry side of the house to fight all this?

An aviation centric Marine Corps is no longer the Marine Corps.  


  1. I wouldn't be shocked if you add the M-1's to the list as well. If it can't be deployed by air then they have no use for it.

    What are the odds that MARSOC will eventually be renamed 'Marine Raiders'? I know that was turned down once before but things change. Also, would they recreate a 'Paramarine' unit again?

  2. I would trade the amphibious capability of the armored vehicles for a solid workable land capability and a reasonable price.

    The basic fact is that we might have to do an amphibious assault on a defended beach but I really doubt it. That last time we did that was Inchon. But that vehicle will be shot by anti-tank rockets and will run over IEDs. We will end up fighting somewhere where having real armor is mandatory. No that is not just a war with China but look at how the USMC is using tanks in Afghanistan, or the French ERC-90 in Mali.

    I would start buying the battle proven Rosamak right now swimming be damned.

    Also not only is the Navy short on Amphibs they are short on LCACs.

  3. The USMC is being turned into just another Naval aviation asset. A Marine Corps without infantry and light armor is simply just a commando-raiding for a la the Royal Marines.

    1. damn, was I high when I wrote this? Call out the grammar SWAT team.

      Let's try it again.

      A Marine Corps without (ground mobile) infantry is simply a commando-raiding force a la the Royal Marines.

      Speaking of SWAT teams, that's what the new Marine/Army quick strike forces will be, the 911 force for North Africa

  4. Second what Paralus, future USMC appears to be some kind of Air Assault infantry from the sea with a organic air cover by F35B, that's about it.

    1. its even worse than that. i can see the conventional Marine Corps going away and only MARSOC being left.

      Marine Raiders are the future that these guys appear to want.


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