Friday, June 21, 2013

The Oral IV debate in the gun community.

Being a gun guy is fun.

Whats not so fun is the base commercialism that crept into it.  First you had a glut of instructors hitting the market...many of them that I wouldn't trust with a weapon, no less teaching about how to properly use them.

Then we have the gear manufacturers.  Many of them put out top flight stuff but many others just put out crap...and then they get some guy from some team telling you that its the best thing since sunshine.

And then you have gun guys themselves that are pushing the latest and greatest piece of gear acting as if you don't have a particular trinket then you're not worthy to share the range.

It would be funny if it wasn't true.

The latest?  We have dueling videos.  One put out by the Morrison System (never heard of them but that means nothing) that says Oral IV is a better than tap water.

Then we have one put out by Pincus (this guy I do know...he's a big name in firearms training) saying that its legit.  I don't know the chemistry behind it all but its interesting to watch and the comments are worth it.

Watch the Morrison System Vid here.

Watch the Pincus Vid here.


  1. i see alot of experts lately on youtube testing guns and give shtf instructions,who do you trust since you got the real training?

    1. hmmm. don't know quite how to answer that. i take bits and pieces from people....but let me list them...for me personally

      1. Haley.
      2. Vickers.
      3. Rogers
      4. Defoor
      5. McNamara
      6. Costa
      7. Panone
      8. Pincus

  2. Oral I.V. What a marketing ploy. Here is their pitch straight from their web-site.

    "Keep it simple. Oral I.V.’s Bio-charged Crystalloid Electrolytes support the body’s natural cellular functions and rapid hydration."

    Okay, lets examine the rhetoric:

    First, what is bio-charged? Bio denotes life or living things as in biology, etc. So what is "bio-charged?" Is it full of bacteria? Living cells? Yuch.

    Second, "Crystalloid" Just about every solid is made up of crystals. Iron, Salt, Insulin, Quartz, Sugar, etc. So what does it mean to be "Crystalloid" in a liquid?

    Third, "Electrolytes" An electrolyte is the term chemists (and lately ad-men) use for a salt. I.e, a solid made up of a metal and a halogen. NaCl (sodium chloride) is the best known as table salt. There are thousands but they all basically do the same thing in your body. Salts, big whoop. Just another Gatorade.

    Last, "Supports the body’s natural cellular functions" Well, so does a Big-Mac. As for "natural cellular functions" what other type of functions does a body do? As far as I know your body is completely made of cells so anything they do is a "natural function" including forming tumors or just dying-off.

    So, basically I am calling bullshit. Its a bunch of mealy-mouthed marketing hype and buzzwords. If you are thirsty, drink water. If you are really dehydrated, drink some Gatorade with your water.

    Oh, and by the way, the bit about "changing the conductivity of your cells" is a bit of hogwash. If they are trying to point out that the changing level of salts in a cell can lead to osmosis then maybe I can see it, but either way, you need to be careful about ingesting too much salt, even if you are really dehydrated.

    Jeez people, the Marines won battle after battle in the oppressive heat of the South Pacific without much more than good old H2O in their canteens (well, maybe a little jungle-juice if they had a breather)


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