Sunday, June 16, 2013

(VBTP-MR) 6x6 Guarani in full scale production in Brazil.


In the span of a few short years, the Brazilians have put forward a request to industry...selected a winning design...negotiated a favorable price & production schedule...and put it into production.

During the same time span, the US Marine Corps (once considered the finest fighting organization the world has ever known) has done basically nothing.

Is there a better example of a power in decline than this? If not then I can point to about 100 other things that point to the same conclusion.  We need to get our house in order from the top down.  We don't have a sexual assault, desecrating of enemy body, failure to treat our sick and wounded (although those are legit issues) problem...we have a leadership problem.  No more "stand downs" to address these issues with the troops...This is an 0-5 and above problem and the answer can only come from those ranks (not ignoring the SNCO's here but they implement policy, not make it).

First course of business?  Accept that change cannot come until there is change at the top.  AMOS MUST GO!

But back to the issue at hand.  Put on your Google translate and read about the VBTP-MR here.

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