Wednesday, July 17, 2013

China and Indonesia are in a tift now.

Indonesia has revealed for the first time that it complained to China over its issuance of passports that feature a controversial map laying claim to almost the entire South China Sea.
The “nine-dash line” map featured in new Chinese passports was protested by Vietnam and the Philippines when they were released last year.
Immigration officials in both countries said they would refuse to stamp the passports because the map lays claim to disputed territory.
India also complained because disputed territory along its border with China is claimed by Beijing on the map.
Indonesia did not make a public statement when the passports were released, even though the map slices through the natural gas reserves of its Exclusive Economic Zone in the Natuna Sea, where multinationals ExxonMobil and Total are operating.
Foreign minister Marty Natalegawa said that Indonesia did lodge a protest with Beijing after the new passports were issued, sending a diplomatic note to the Chinese embassy in Jakarta a couple of weeks after they were issued.
Read the whole thing at the China Daily Mail...but one thing is obvious.  China is stoking nationalism and all the attempts at "understanding" are doomed to fail.

China apologist always forget the most basic fact about that country.  Its a communist dictatorship.  It might have embraced elements of capitalism in order to ensure its own survival, but at its heart its a repressive, classic, Communist state.

All it will take is a mid level officer flying a fighter, bomber or with his hand hovering over the launch button on a warship to make one mistake and this region will go up in flames.

From the look of the incidents between China and India, Japan, Vietnam, Philippines, S. Korea, Thailand and others....its gonna be sooner rather than later. 

1 comment :

  1. It will be like a room full of mousetraps. I bet many states will react first because unlike the US many don't have the sophisticated intel systems. I think the US would put the break on it pretty quick but it would be damaging few weeks at least. And afterwards I think all that will happen is an acceleration in the arms race.

    My message is.......Buy your iPads now in case war strangles supply. :)


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