Thursday, July 18, 2013

China drilling in Japanese waters. This could get real!

Thanks Nicolae for the heads up!

via the Russian Times.  Read the entire article at RT, but consider this.  I thought nationalism was just a Chinese issue.  I was wrong.  A quick Google revealed that its sweeping the entire Pacific.  Even the countries citizens seem to be gearing up for conflict.
Japan has allegedly ordered geological survey ships to prepare for possible deployment after the Chinese were reportedly detected drilling in Japanese waters near the disputed area of the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, a source told Reuters.
The Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC) has been ordered to put both its survey ships , the Shigen and the Hakurei, on standby and to prepare to deploy without any foreign members of staff on board, according to the source .
Japan warned China not to expand gas exploration in the East China Sea on Thursday, following a media report according to which Chinese state-run oil companies plan to develop seven new gas fields in the sea, possibly siphoning gas from the seabed beneath waters claimed by Japan, Kyodo news agency reported.
"We will never accept development of gas fields in the area over which there are conflicting claims in a unilateral manner," Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga said at a press conference. Though he added that officials are still gathering information to confirm the report.
After in 1968 it was discovered that oil reserves might be found under the sea near the territory of the islands in the East China Sea, sovereignty over them has been long disputed by Japan and China.
Meanwhile, three Chinese maritime vessels were spotted entering Japan’s territorial waters on Thursday morning, the Japanese Coast Guard reported. Beijing said was a routine surveillance and the ships later left the Japanese waters, but remain in the contiguous area, the coast guard added.

This is just the type of scenario where shit could get real.  REAL QUICK.

Opposing warships maneuvering close accidental bump because you have two head strong commanders that are unwilling to experience the loss of face to a potential enemy...paint is scrapped...both commanders determine that the accident was an act of war and suddenly you have a border dispute erupt into an all out shooting war with several ships and several planes sunk and shot down.

Of course the UN, the US and the EU will rush in to try and calm the situation but you'll still have the first skirmish in what will inevitably lead to shooting war.

Its coming folks and our State Department and Pentagon are too weak, unthinking and unaware to stop it.

One miscalculation.  One nervous trigger finger.  That's all that stands between a HUGE regional war and a full scale depression.


  1. I don't really believe that we will see a war between China and Japan but it is stuff like this that is starting to worry me. This could get out of hand one day....especially when money and oil get mixed in the picture. Plus lots of bad blood history and testosterone...not good.

    I am starting to realize that I might be too optimistic about peace in the region, this steady deterioration isn't a good sign. My thought was that these "small" skirmishes are OK and no big deal, nothing to worry about.

    This is wrong thinking on my part!

    I think I almost would prefer to have a direct confrontation NOW, this could actually frighten everybody to do some TALKING. What is happening instead is these "little" incidents are starting to pile on, it's a death by a 1000 cuts, after all these incidents, I fear that POLITICAL AND MILITARY positions are just getting harder, public opinion is hardening so the day we do have a real incident, there won't be any talking because everybody will be itching for war....

    1. and then we have idiots like McCain that haven't seen a war they didn't like and you have a bad combination. its weird but the only saving grace COULD be that the President has ties to Indonesia, but he seems distracted with miniscule issues like the Martin Trial and getting health care to be popular instead of working on the hard stuff like keeping these tiffs from turning into full scale war.

  2. There is so much stuff out there that requires leadership not just from the President but also from US congress and world leaders but instead we have a bunch of idiots playing with young girls a la Berlusconi.

    Just in the US, how many times does the GOP have to try to repeal Obamacare and notice that they can't? What about immigration reform? US DoD is broken, any one mentioning that? How about forest fires? We just had 19 firefighters die here in Arizona, anyone in Congress thought about that? We have hearings about pussy and contraception, like that is such pressing nation issue but hearings on how to get people back to work? Why? that's not important....A buddy is going to work only 4 days a week on a AFB because of sequestration, anyone on the Hill concerned about that? About how our forces are losing their edge?

    Nope, lets talk some more about the pill....

    1. Wow~! i thought i was the only person that thought that way! welcome to the libertarian party!

  3. I don't know if I am a libertarian, just pissed off at the lack of political leadership or just plain leadership. If nothing else was going on in the USA or the world, you know, everything nice and dandy, sure, you want to revisit some stuff, OK but the world is circling the drain and these idiots are talking about abortion and gay marriage. Come on, it's 2013, get over the Bible, we have far more important stuff to deal with, right NOW!

    1. If being pissed off at the two-party crapsystem that is Congress and the Exec Branch made us libertarians, the Libertarian Party would be the largest party in US history.

      It's more important to score political points than it is to rise above the partisanship and demonstrate leadership.

  4. Wow, ballsy little bastards, aren't they?

    They are really pissing off everybody in the region. India, Indonesia, Philipines, Japan, Vietnam.

    This reminds me so much of the lead-up to WWI. Somebody does the wrong thing, another actor puts something into action that can't be undone, and in spite of all the protestations of intertwined economies, it happened anyways.

  5. Expect a shooting war in south east Asia in the next 10 to 15 years down the road and the US Military getting drawn in to one.


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