The jaded among you will say that this is no big deal. Even tiny Western Navies have been doing at sea replenishments for years.
Where you're missing the point in my opinion is that this is just another of the series of building blocks that the Chinese Navy is engaging in to develop a true blue water force that is capable of going toe to toe with the US Navy.
The irony of the situation should be obvious. For years the Navy has been focusing on fighting in the littoral zone. Meanwhile the closest thing we have to a peer competitor is building a force to fight us on the open seas. The idea of taking COIN strategy to the sea is going to bite us. You heard it here first.
UPDATE: Alexander informs that the Chinese have been doing this for years. I'm aware. But a few missions off the coast of Africa and getting in a bit of work in is one thing, but when it becomes common place thats when it actually is something new. I contend that this is now part of normal Chinese Navy operations. When the once difficult becomes common place, thats when you're seeing professionalism creeping in the door. My bigger point is that the Chinese are becoming professional in their approach to operations at sea.