Saturday, July 13, 2013

China to participate in RIMPAC.

via ABC Australia.
Arriving in Australia today for the beginning of Exercise Talisman Saber 2013 (TS13), Vice Admiral Scott Swift has confirmed the idea has been discussed for some time.
"It's a foregone conclusion. The question is when will it occur and I think it'll occur much sooner than anyone is anticipating," Vice Admiral Swift, who sailed in to Sydney Harbour on board the USS Blue Ridge to command the training activity, said.
A key plank of the Obama administration's foreign policy platform is the so called "pivot" to the Asia Pacific but, Vice Admiral Swift says those who see this refocus on the region as simply an effort to contain China's regional ambitions, are wrong.
"I think it would be misguided to say its focussed on any one country - what it's focused on is increasing the stability in the region and thereby increasing the prosperity," he said.
Read the whole thing at their site, but one thing is obvious.

Our leadership is BRAIN DEAD.  China is flexing its muscles against India, Japan, S. Korea, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam.

So what do we do?  We invite them to participate in wargames that EVERYONE and their mothers know is designed to repel an aggressive China.

On a side note, it appears to me that the biggest China apologist reside in the Dept of the Navy.  I don't get it but every flag officer in that joint appears ready to kiss Chinese ass.  Its kinda frustrating.


  1. what better way to test your abilities against a possible foe and to get a measure of their strategic thinking than actually exercising against them?

    Ok no one is going to be sharing secrets or fighting at full ability, but even if they set out to do their worst (and they won't because they will want to win) we will learn a lot about them.

  2. Thats a nice photoshop, You actually are led to believe the chinese have an operational carier.

  3. Worst Solomon...we are teachung them how to fight

  4. Awful lot of SIGINT you could pick when a ship is operating nearby. Or an "accident" may occur and a Chinese ship gets sunk. That would be hilarious.


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