Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Gun Guys, Conservative Media and the Republican Party walk right into the trap....again.

"I believe that this tragedy provides yet another opportunity for our nation to speak honestly about the complicated and emotionally-charged issues that this case has raised. We must not - as we have too often in the past - let this opportunity pass." -Attorney General Eric Holder speaks about Trayvon Martin case

I am amazed.

Where once the Obama Administration was teetering on the edge due to the Benghazi Scandal, the IRS Scandal, the NSA Domestic Spying Scandal, and the Eric Snowden cluster, they now have an Attorney General that was once viewed as a liability being looked at as a great hope, a President that is on the verge of getting his appointments confirmed by the Senate so he can do by regulation what he couldn't by law and a continuing foreign policy mess.

All because of the continued focus and the tit for tat reactions surrounding the Martin killing.

Amazing.  History will show this as a time where the Republicans let the message get away from them and the gun lobby and the conservative media will be lined up as scapegoats.

There are many blogs to choose from.  If you decide to post comments that I consider racist then they'll be removed.  Its as simple as that.


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  2. Sol,
    I disagree with your description of Holder as a "great hope". I (and I doubt I'm alone) see Holder as a racist who is pandering to his base. Another thing I'm not sure about is why the Attorney General of the United States is speaking at a racist (NAACP) convention. The stated goal of an organization is to promote one group over another due simply to their race. That's the very definition of racist. And a high ranking government official is basically endorsing their beliefs by speaking at the convention. This may sound hacky, but if a white politician was even sighted at a meeting with a group that existed solely to promote white people he'd be ran out of town.

    1. dude i'm talking about Holder in the black community. calling the NAACP racist is like calling NOW sexist. you're being wacky. its an organization that has little power, that is basically a church based group (seeing how many reverends are in power) and they aren't doing much for the black community.

      you and all the others that are still trying to fight this fight have been pushed so far away from real issues that what should be an easy win during the 2015 election cycle will be a close call. in the States you have Republicans pissing off women over the abortion issue (at least some of them), Hispanics are pissed about a stalled immigration bill and blacks are up in arms over the Martin trial.

      quite honestly this couldn't have gone better for the Obama administration if they had tried to organize events.

      no one is talking about the real scandals and my little blog post thats trying to point this out has a guy coming on talking about Holder in a way i never intended and others spouting shit that belongs on Storm Front.

      AMAZING> and you wonder why Republicans are getting there asses handed to them.

    2. I see your point now in that context (Holder as seen in the black community). I do believe the Left is who made this into a national story, so I'm not sure how you think the Right should have responded. In my opinion if they let the Left control the narrative the Right has no input. If the right tries to change the subject from Trayvon then there considered insensitive. What do you think the proper response from the right should have been?


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