Monday, July 08, 2013

Haynie is back at it. This time talking pullups.

Haynie wrote an article at USNI and instead of her usual pile of feminist talking points she actually comes down on the side of females meeting the same standards as males.

But something happened.

She got only one comment on the post and that was from a fellow USNI writer.

Everyone else is just staying away.  Why?  Because its obvious.  The feminist have won and a negative comment is career suicide.  So the masses are simply waiting and watching.

But I doubt they're approving.  Read the article here.


  1. let the women serve with lower standards, Combat's reality doesn't lower it's standards nor will the enemy or the weather.
    Nothing but raw misery, blood, sweat and tears with dead Marines will change the current Politicized Generals and leadership of the military views being forced upon them by the current gay and feminist friendly liberal politician's who along with their children will never fight in a war or battle.
    Even if they lie and pretend it works it will not and nothing gains maximum attention for a bad policy more than abject failure and dead Marines.
    The first time a Squad of women Marines is taken and videoed for youtube being gang raped, tortured, mutilated and then beheaded by Islamist or Chinese enemies should get that Max Media attention.
    At least then we will know who to blame.

  2. But the thing is the situation is so bad they are beyond blame. If a female is tortured and humiliated and then sadistically executed it won't be the feminists who campaigned for this who will be blamed but the generals. Again as we all know the feminists campaigning for this aren't the ones beating down the recruiters' doors. They probably don't know where their nearest recruiter can be found, probably don't even know from which end the bullet comes out, and will be a few oceans and time zones away from any combat in a Third World shit hole. In evolutionary terms we are still running around the African Savannah. That is why we let the big guy go first, that is why we look at girls in bikinis, and that is why all this is very wrong.

    1. wow. thats a powerful statement. but so true. i can't muster the courage to watch the Danish reporter being gang raped but supposedly its out there. every female Marine that wants to join the infantry should be forced to watch it and it should be explained that this could happen to them.

    2. Females are asset to the military in the right roles. They can be aggressive. And they can fight in an extreme emergency in what I will term an "ambush" situation, the unexpected, say a terror attack on some headquarters to the rear. But that is not the field. It isn't deliberately going into harm's way for days, to seek the enemy out, to bring them to battle, and then to kill them by all and any means. In the past females in their own military services were organised and act in military way to be effective in supporting the hard edged real masculine military whose business was to kill. And without them being so organised, working so hard, certainly the struggles of the 20th century would have been greater. We mustn't forget the brave female agents who went into occupied Europe who died for the cause of our Freedom today. But again that wasn't all out combat.

      Separating soldiers by race is an abomination that has past, thank God. But I truly believe that abolishing separate women's services as we have done in the UK was wrong. I believe sending women to sea in ships is wrong too. It doesn't matter to me how competent a woman is in an exercise, I think we need to know if she could close a hatch on flooding compartment knowing her friends are below? Or could she herself close herself in to save her ship? Some could. But I would wager many couldn't. In the 20 or so years I have been up close to our navy I have seen it change from a hard edged organisation to something else which I struggle to describe. And I don't think it as I am told that today's youth are more rounded and open because I don't think they are better than the men of our past who went around the world fought hard, played hard, drunk hard, and treated the women in their lives with respect. Today's youth are more interest in self, emotion, and though drowning in information seem ignorant of all that is important. I just hope the opposition play by the same rules or in the next big show many of young are going to die. But I don't think they do.

  3. Hell, the services can't even deal with sexual assault of female servicemembers by their own colleagues, what makes you think they can handle this? There is an amazing disconnect going on here that I hadn't really though of before, but people are demanding (and rightly so) that sexual assault in the military be dealt with promptly and those responsible should be punished. On the other hand, when faced with the prospect that rape will likely be used as a form of torture by captors, it is minimized by those want women in combat roles.

    The Generals responsible for allowing it will be long-gone, sipping cocktails at the clubhouse after their morning round of golf before they drive off to their defense contractor or policy think-tank jobs.

    The Officers and Generals who are left to implement the policy will be the ones that are held responsible. And they should be because if they were dedicated to not having weak, unprepared individuals not assigned to combat units, then they should have resigned in protest. If they stayed in because they wanted promotions, went-along-to-get-along, pleaded 'I got a family/mortgage/pension' and we're unwilling to speak up, then they should be prepared for the consequences.

    As Zebra said, until we see the gruesome results displayed for anyone to see, then there will be no pressure for the system to change or acknowledge its limitations.

    Piggybacking on what Steve said, the result will be that you will see fewer women enter military service. If you start to see beheadings, rapes, bodies dismembered and dragged through streets, etc., people will see the disconnect between what the armchair intellectuals are saying and what the masses actually experience.

    On the other hand, you might get the Pentagon PR machine spitting out crap like it did with Jessica Lynch, trying to say she tried fought her attackers rather than that she passed out and was raped, then beaten while unconscious. I'm betting most recruiters don't mention that bit.

    1. Yes Jessica Lynch. That is the other myth isn't it? The woman to succeed has to be twice as better as the man. So your Pentagon PR department build her up to be Audie Murphy. The thing is the Audie Murphy's are rare amongst the men of the West's armed services; soldiers and marines and sailors and airmen may all be super individuals because they chose to serve. But they are not all "super soldiers". I have worked with exceptional men and women, but I have also worked with many average men and women. Indeed I belong to the latter group myself. But during my time in work I have come across many women promoted beyond their worth because of their gender; the need to make up numbers; the need to be seen promoting gender balance. My favourite example of this was when I worked for a utility company. I was an administration manager for a team of field technicians providing 24/7 emergency cover. The technicians were lead by managers who were themselves time served technicians. Most of the managers' job was technical support. In our neighbouring district there was a woman who had one of these manager positions. She wasn't a technician. She couldn't work out hours because of safety concerns. And to this day I do not know what she did beyond very basic administration. But this is the world we live in. Bad enough when this sort of thing goes on in civilian life where upper echelons can rubber stamp promotions and over look deficiencies. But such behaviour has no place in war. We all know men who promoted beyond their worth. But here worth isn't something that can be hidden. We aren't talking about intellectual capability. We can truly in this instance judge a book by its cover. A healthy six foot tall twenty two year old male will always be worth more in the field than a healthy five foot six female when it comes to combat. Physics and physiology don't lie. In the UK in Afghanistan there are women medics in the field who have done outstanding work under fire in conditions many men would not endure and have been duly decorated. But it is an entirely different issue if a third or so of your platoon is made up of five foot six tall women however brave however skilled in martial arts or on the rifle range. Surely if not of this mattered the best place to try out this experiment is on the sports field? Many sports are for the most part simulated combat and are at least physical contests. Let's see a female football take on a male football team. Let's throw out the weight classes in martial arts. That's not combat. Football games last an hour and a bit more dependent on your favoured variety. War isn't discretely packaged, there isn't a half time for juice and leg rubs. Perhaps our society is truly, deep down, mysnonigistc? It must hate women if it wants to expose them fully to the horror that is war.

  4. Speaking of Audie Murphy, he was only 5'5 and a 1/2" and weighed around 112 pounds at his intake. Put him on the line without steady meals and exhausting work, I bet he dipped below 100 pounds frequently. Yet he made it through basic and infantry school somehow and survived nearly two years of combat whilst enduring several serious wounds requiring hospitalization.

    Did the Army fudge on the requirements to allow Murphy to serve? Maybe. But that was also a war where they needed every able-bodied person.

    Could women serve? Possibly. Most wouldn't pass the physical tests, but some might. I just think the services need to be honest with women recruits about can really happen.

    It also has to deal with the inevitable question of pregnancy. What manning levels would units need to have to ensure pregnancy doesn't affect unit effectiveness?

    Our current enemies haven't take too many prisoners, but they do still on occasion. Are women soldiers who are sexually assaulted by their captors prepared for the possibility that they might become pregnant and bear children in captivity?

  5. And then there are those combat-soldiers who see things differently, since they hope, expect and may indeed find amongst the increasing numbers their right kind of woman who expects of herself to put in 100% of reality - not some watered-down fraction thereof. Tragically those guys are fewer and farther in between than you'd figure by now in the early 21st century. But they are indeed the lucky ones with full-tilt un-'qualified' equal partnerships. Still too rare but growing phenomenon.

    Growing numbers of young women sure won't match the (retro-)expectations of some of the posters here. Nor would they ask for 'permission' or 'acceptance' as they strive for higher honors based on hard realities - not speculations...

    We may indeed see a jump in biology where 'upper-body' strength may rise perhaps on par with folks gaining in height up to a foot in one generation over their parents under poorer diet and physical opportunities.

    As to the 'others', they'll seek and find the partners they are hoping for, and thus a higher chance of no true (100% + 100% = 300%) partnership, but higher divorce-rate, higher rates of all sorts of pathologies due to under-evolved lives based on rigid medieval visions of women folks.

    Good thing that progress is moving on and that within some of our lifetimes we'll see a woman General with combat-decorations as a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. We'll have had a few women presidents before that pipeline has produced that blessed outcome though...

    And good thing that our gay brothers have already blazed part (if not all ?) of that path before them.

    Finally, you do not have to be a combat-trained soldier nor be on some front-line to be gang-raped, mutilated and possibly killed... Too many woman experience that fate - but without the benefit of highest plausibility of effective self-defense due to unambiguous combat-training and a side-arm at hand.

    So, regardless of all the 'romantic' musings about the inevitable fate of some combat-soldiers of either sex - after all, men have gotten raped, mutilated and killed as well -, in a volunteer-force everybody understands the risks. And no extra hankies would be issued - for women nor for men.


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