Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Imperialism via US Palm.


When I saw this I paused real hard.  Its strange because US Palm is one of those rah-rah outfits that sells magazines and other firearms goods/parts.  Because of that I know that its suppose to be tongue in cheek patriotic.  But when I sit back and realize that this is EXACTLY how at least half the world sees us it leaves me speechless.

This one I'm going to have to chew on a bit.


  1. That's about how 3/4 of the world sees us...

  2. That's how we see US banks and governements, not entire US.
    I.E : Many people want to see Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfled on the same bench as Herman Göring in La Haye... But like all all that make USA like cinema, technology and music.
    You're welcome to my place if you go in south of France, but if I know somebody from Goldman Sachs live close, I would be a very bad neighboor.

    1. well thats how we see the French, Europe up yours, greetz from Holland.


    2. Never mind all the people who vote these people in office knowing they are scumbags then act incensed when they anally raped by said individuals.. If you want to know who to blame for America look in the mirror...

      The quickest way to know what a people are like is simply to observe the leaders they have chosen...

    3. I have to disagree Paul. What you are saying would be true, if the political system in the United States was a true multi-party system, instead of just a two party system. Look back at elections in recent memory. We are stuck with two candidates to choose between. Often, that choice boils down to a pick between bad, and worse.

      Now, if our electoral system could expand, with further parties actually becoming viable, your views might become a bit closer to the truth. If, from a range of parties with a range of candidates with varying political platforms and stances, we were to still elect a douchebag, then yes, it would be our fault. Simply stating that Americans should look in the mirror, after having been given two subpar choices, is not only an unfair assessment, but one that is needlessly hypercritical.

    4. I'm with arcturus415 on this. I can't tell you how many times I've heard someone say something akin to "Well, I voted for [politician's name] because it was him or the other guy" or "[politician's name] was the lesser of two evils"

  3. 3/4 ? lot closer to 6 bilion

  4. Smedley Butler wasn't just dick hurt when he wrote "War is a Racket".

    instead of invading countries and colonizing them, we contract the work out to corporations and banks.

    Check out Confessions of an Economic Hitman.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Smedley Butler had better to take the soldiers and execute traitors...
    By viewing "Loose Change", I have even more sympathy for US people.


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