Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Isn't this lovely. SPMAGTF-Crisis Response on alert.

Forgive me for not being all a-flutter.  Via Stars and Stripes.
WASHINGTON — About 500 crisis-response Marines who recently deployed to Italy and Spain are positioned to respond to the brewing chaos in Egypt.
Pentagon spokesman George Little wouldn’t speak about Egypt or the U.S. Embassy in Cairo specifically, but said the military was postured for response in that region in particular.
“We have taken steps to ensure our military is ready to respond to a range of contingencies,” he said.
Egypt is edging towards collapse as protests swell and time runs out on the Egyptian army’s 48-hour ultimatum issued Monday, that President Mohamed Morsi forge a compromise with the opposition or face military intervention. Increasingly violent protesters raging against the democratically elected president and his Muslim Brotherhood-led government have demanded that he step down from office.
The U.S. Embassy in Cairo has been closed since Sunday, according to a notice posted on its website.
In early May as Egypt grew more fractious, U.S. Marines from Camp Lejeune, N.C., arrived at Moron Air Base in Spain, as part of a Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response team. Some of the Marines have since moved temporarily to Naval Air Station, Sigonella, Sicily. The task force will respond to emergencies across North and West Africa.
“The reason we are here is to provide a scalable force to respond to unexpected crisis,” Maj. Zane Crawford, the operations officer of the unit, said in a USMC news story in May. “We can rapidly deploy to support missions, such as embassy reinforcement, tactical recovery of aircraft, and personnel and noncombatant evacuation operations.”

Citing unnamed sources, CNN reported last week that the Marines have been told to be ready to be airborne in 60 minutes after deployment orders, but Army Col. Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman, wouldn’t confirm, saying the military doesn’t comment on specific readiness postures.
The move comes after the military, along with the White House, endured heavy criticism for not responding quickly enough to the deadly attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi, Libya, last year. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens was killed in the attack.
This is such a dubious concept that I'm amazed that its being allowed to go forward.

What good is a Company Plus of Marines in an Embassy Reinforcement mission?  This Special Purpose Marine Air Ground Task Force lacks all the supporting elements that are the hallmark of a MAGTF and its an abomination that is asking to fly into trouble and then beg to be rescued.  Its a fantasy, masquerading as a plan, relying on hope to carry it to victory.  

PS.  Want another bigger kick in the pants?  Remember those SPMAGTF-Africa's that we have started deploying to train and conduct partnership missions with African countries?  They have been training to conduct adhoc embassy reinforcement missions too.  So now we have the MEU, SPMAGTF-Crisis Response and SPMAGTF-Africa all lined up to do embassy reinforcement missions (Oh and lets not forget that the 26th MEU has been sailing around looking for trouble to get into...if they weren't sent steaming toward Egypt then I seriously doubt how serious the crisis really is).  We haven't even started to count what the US Army is doing or SOCOM...you can bet the Ranger Regiments would want in on this action.  The point is that the weak spot isn't forces, its in the decision making cycle.  Leadership currently is unable to make a decision absent almost absolute certainty of success.  Maybe that's a result of the political climate---doesn't matter, what does matter is that we're designating/creating forces to deal with a problem that exists at the policy maker level, not at the operating forces.

1 comment :

  1. I had my memory jogged by the Marine Corps times. Mayaguez incident. Marines on helo's without support.


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