Monday, July 08, 2013

Law Enforcement. I've shown the hate, now for some love.

The video below is from I09 and its supposedly the first arrest recorded by Google Glasses.  It happened at the Jersey Shore (I guess its an attraction, I always thought it was a location) and the Cops are faced with the worst of several bad situations.

They did a HELL of a job.  I would have proned out the entire crowd, picked up whoever was identified in the fight and then when I was clear yell out that they could get up now.

Of course the LEO's in this vid didn't do that.  They waded into a endless mob of people, dealt with some people that were obviously intoxicated and made it out with their arrestee.  All without going to blows, using tasers or drawing weapons.  Again.  Great job, but I'm still left wondering how all that measures on the scale of officer safety.  It would be so easy for a couple of guys to do a weapon snatch on a single officer in crowd that big.  Much respect and I hope these guys are careful.

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