Monday, July 22, 2013

Marines Share Frank Views with Hagel on Women in Combat

One first sergeant objected strongly, saying that if women could add anything of value to combat infantry units, they would have been handed those missions long ago.

One staff sergeant worried that the Marine Corps’ high standards would have to be lowered if women were assigned to combat. Other Marines in the group agreed, warning that women would not be accepted by their male counterparts living in spartan wartime conditions, or that family lives would suffer, especially for those female Marines hoping to have children.

One lieutenant, however, disagreed with anyone who argued that now is not the right time to start bringing women into combat roles, and several noted that the American armed forces often had led the rest of society, for example, in integrating minorities.

All 15 were forthright, even bold, in expressing their views on a contentious issue with the secretary of defense.

And all 15 of the Marines were women.


  1. Some might call my views old fashioned, but I'm still against men and women serving together. I think they should be segregated entirely. If women serve they should be put into all women units, ships,... or whatever (I hear the Israelis do it this way). I just hate the environmental changes that come with the introduction of women. Guys start acting stupid and doing stupid things to impress, most often this involves putting another guy down and having stupid pissing contests.

    As for combat, I'd have to agree with these Marines. I am against having them in combat usually because when an enemy force rapes a female from the opposing side it is often used as a psychological weapon to get the other side emotional. I don't see any point to giving enemies the opportunity for that when the Marines have done just fine as they are. Then there's the issue of them getting pregnant for whatever reason. Sure they can get surgery or other things to prevent that, but I don't know of any methods that don't cause some kind of hormone imbalance.

    Some disagree with me and I may be wrong, but these are all factors that we simply have no fixes for right now.

  2. It sounds like Hagel's mind is already made up. This is probably all for show.

  3. I often wonder if there are groups of females in the military who loathe the equality/combat arms pushers. As a female you have all the perks and a helluva lot less risk for the same damn pay. Who wants to screw that up?? Naturally a lot of the people pushing Women in Combat have never served, and many that do serve, don't want anything to do with combat arms, but like the idea of it.

    "If my tour consisted of never seeing combat, making tons of money and everyone wanting to bang me, I’d never come home either.”

    1. It is satire, but all good satire has a touch of truth.

    2. That is so funny.

      If you know Royal Navy veterans who were in the service during the early 80s they will all know a nurse who went south in 82 with the Task Force who earned enough to buy a house by charging servicemen for sex. Some of the stories get embellished with details of the physical toll it took on the nurse because of the constant pleasuring. And the amounts she earned varied too. How much truth there is in it I don't know.

  4. "Need's of the Service" except when it comes to "Woman's Career Advancement Needs".

    This argument was lost when Women were assigned duties as Pilots. As all Marine Corps Pilots are expected to be assigned to combat units as Grounds FACs. The compromise. Male Marine Corps Pilots picked up the slack as ground FACs and the Female Marine Corps Pilots were assigned the cake, in the rear with the gear billets. That Compromise, Compromised the integrity of the Corps but nobody dared to point this out, and it only affected the Air Dales anyways.

    Women will be assigned to Combat Units needs of the service be dammed.

    1. wow. i didn't even make that connection. you're exactly right and because it only affected pilots, other Marines didn't give a damn.

      but this leads to an interesting problem. what happens when you have female pilots that are assigned to be FACs and they refuse because infantry positions are suppose to be voluntary? What happens if you have two billets open but only one woman volunteers (remember they're suppose to be assigned in at least pairs!)....

      wow. this is gonna be a sticky widget!


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