Saturday, July 27, 2013

Martial Law via dafuq-is-wrong-wit-choo tumblr

Note:  The authorities better get a handle on how they're viewed and do it quick.  I'm seeing more and more comparisons on the net between Socialist/Communist/Fascist regimes doing crack downs and US Law Enforcement.  Are they so caught up in their own world (meaning the various agencies) that they can't see how they're viewed?  Or worse.  Do they just not give a damn?


  1. You when dress a cop like a soldier, don't be surprised when he acts more like a soldier than a cop.

  2. These bozos still like special forces wannabes. In that top picture, there is not a one of those Barney Fifes that look like they could pass a fitness test. Unfortunately, they are not limited to one round per magazine.

  3. There is some money you could trim for your MPCs Sol. DHS is fat with cash.

  4. "Golly, Gee, we finally get to where all this cool gear. Check out my Maxped Rolly-Polly, got it on sale. Hey, did you morale patch at Mil-Spec monkey?"

    1. you're saying that for a joke but check out those chest rigs...brand freaking sweat stains, no blemishes, not a speck of dirt on them. check out those helmets. they're painted and you don't see chipped paint, signs that the guys have been training in them etc. but most telling is to look at the weapons. when you shoot alot you get wear "scars" on them. they heat up, you clean them and repeat and the weapon takes on a weathered look. those things look like they came straight out the box.

      that's why the case in LA was so telling. these aren't cops, they damn sure aren't soldiers...they're toy soldiers. sustained serious resistance and they fold like a house of cards.

  5. Cops and swat officers today are special forces wannabes, that couldn't hack Ranger school, UDT/BUDS, SFQC/SFAS or even Delta Selection. Their pretending to be military because their jealous of their budget, training and missions. If you were to put the Police and Swat officers though Ranger, BUDS/UDT, SFQC/SFAS or even Delta Selection. They would not survive the grueling selection process and they would drop out right after the mandatory PT test. Even the British SAS selection process and for the Royal Marines commando course would be too grueling for them

    1. you picked some pretty rough courses! but yeah i agree that they're viewing themselves as "operators" now instead of cops.

    2. I did pick them because they have standards that are way higher than the regular military. Standards that most police officers and SWAT officers would never be able to meet. Even most police officers and Swat officers would not survive them. They would wash out after mandatory PT testing. Even the PT standards for Special forces are way higher than for police officer and SWAT officers. Even the French Foreign Legion has standards that would make most police officers and SWAT officer wash out. The French Foreign Legion has a jungle school that is run by the 3rd Foreign Infantry Regiment in French Guiana that is more brutal than any known military school on earth. All those Police and SWAT officer wannbes would wash out after spending one day in those selection and training courses.


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