Tuesday, July 09, 2013

Spoke too soon. MPC is done.

A buddy got me the entire article and any speck of optimism I once had was crushed like 1000 ton boulder falling on a kitten.

This is the paragraph regarding the Marine Personnel Carrier.  My comments are in blue.
The Marine Corps has delayed the MPC program until there is room in the budget to resurrect it. Moore hopes the future fiscal environment will become more predictable and allow the service to put the MPC back in the budget.
However, "it's certainly several years in the future before the Marine Corps' got to nail down all of those decisions," he said.  What he's really saying is that this program is deader than disco.  I can't believe that he has the audacity to tell such a bold faced lie.  Name one program that has been delayed and then resurrected?  The only one that I can even come up with is the V-22 and that program was continued in a research project fashion which kept the design team together.  I would imagine that everyone is sending their people to other more promising projects as we speak.  Bullshit from this Program Office is becoming par for the course.The service is now wrapping up MPC demonstrations. The service awarded four $3.5 million demonstration contracts to BAE Systems, General Dynamics Land Systems, Lockheed Martin and Science Applications International Corporation to build MPC prototypes.
"Industry, in my mind, really stepped up and you could really tell they were very interested in meeting the Marine Corps' requirements," Moore said. "In some cases, those were some stretch requirements outside of what is traditionally associated with that kind of vehicle and they have put in a lot of time and effort and money."What he's really saying is that the Marine Corps demanded more than they thought industry could deliver and they did.  You have wheeled combat vehicles that gave almost AAV type water performance and I'd guess superior land performance.  If the Marine Corps made public the results of the test I'd bet you'd have so many letters to the Marine Gazette that it would overwhelm their servers.  After wrapping up the demonstrations at the end of the calendar year, the service will be able to refine the requirements for the program, he said. "When, ultimately, the fiscal environment and other things shift to where it's time to put MPC back as a program moving forward we are poised to launch into that as rapidly as possible to provide that capability to the Marine Corps," Moore said.
When asked that once the program is put back into the budget if the technical information gained from the demonstrations will be outdated, Moore said, the service will modify the requirement as threats emerge over time.
"There will still be work to be done with some refinement that will have to take place for restarting that program, but we should be able to refine that as a narrow range of things to figure out," he said.He's coming out with half a truth here.  In essence he's almost but not quite admitting that IF a new MPC program is started that it won't be able to take advantage of the work done on this one.
Why should you care about this?

Because the Marine Corps just wasted more taxpayer money starting down the road to a program that led to nothing.  They have poisoned the well with industry and have condemned its Marines to ride into combat in an almost 50 year old vehicle.  It would be like using an LVT-1 during Vietnam...or a LVTP-5 during the Iraq Wars 1 and 2!

The blame lies with the Commandant.  Amos is indecisive, vacillates, shows a marked inability to inspire confidence, is incapable of accomplishing what should be the simplest tasks and does not reflect the traits necessary to continue in his present Command.

Consider that my evaluation of his leadership/performance.


  1. Well, I can pretty much toss out my earlier hope/theory.

    1. yeah. talking points disguised as policy is nothing but hope masquerading as change.

    2. At this point, I've pretty much given up hope of even a modicum of common sense or forward thinking coming home to roost in the DOD. When do we finally decide to post a billboard outside the Pentagon that says 'Abandon hope all ye who enter here'. Ridiculous...

  2. " Name one program that has been delayed and then resurrected? "



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