Saturday, July 13, 2013

No more fist fights ....

Fat little tubby, wanna be cop.  Too scared to join the Marines or Army, not fit enough to walk around the corner, his own trainer called him a physical disaster and yet when he has a gun he gets balls the size of King Kong.  This is the guy that the gun community is rallying to support?  Really?  Seriously?  We need to pick better poster boys cause this ain't it.

Zimmerman got off which I predicted.

We'll see if there are riots but I don't expect them.

What I do expect is a big change in male behavior now.

What happens if I get into a fist fight with someone?  If I'm winning then the other guy can shoot me and claim that he was in fear of his life.  I can do the same if he gets the upper hand.

We just inadvertently pussified ourselves once again.

Physical Fitness no longer has a bearing on self defense.  All you need to be able to do is to pull a trigger and have a credible story and you're good to go.  Manhood died and pussyfied people that play at being gun guys won the day.  Pussies 100--Manhood O

I'm enjoying reading some of the gun guy facebook pages.  No riots erupted so they're focusing on the blowhards talking shit.  Zimmerman doesn't have a thing to worry about as far as the idiots posting pics of themselves with firearms talking about "goin to kill'em"... the guys that are talking are never the ones to worry about.  Its the loser that already has a couple of strikes against him with nothing to lose and hoping to make a name for himself.  That's who he should worry about.  If Zimmerman can keep his head down for a year (probably less than that) he'll have faded from memory and the only people that will still think anything at all about him will be Martin's family.

NOTE 2: 
This is turning into a God Send for the Obama Administration.  Instead of everyone focusing on a still sputtering economy, an immigration deal that is dubious at best, Benghazi, IRS, Spying on citizens scandal, everyone is looking at this.  Its perfect for him.  If I wasn't seeing it with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it.  The emotion thats tied up in this is something to behold too.  I just can't get emotionally involved in this but to watch the two sides go at it, and to read the comments from an honest look at the case (my opinion but its a straight forward look) its going to be front page news for at least two more weeks which will get the administration to the back to school time which will distract people again.  AMAZING!


  1. I never believed a word that GZ said. I never bought his story that his gun was in his back pocket. How did he get it out laying on his back, his big fat ass and the kid on his stomach up to his armpits, as GZ contended? No way! I think he had in his hand as he approached TM, that's what pissed off TM. GZ is just wannabe cop...that started shit he couldn't finish, was getting his ass kicked and pulled a gun. Pussy.

    1. yep and thats what kills me about the gun community. all these cold, hard training guys and a fist fight leads to a killing? thats the definition of pussy. the gun community defended pure scared, mommas boy and they don't realize what they've just unleashed. where you once had people getting black eyes now you're going to have bullet wounds. depending on how you are on self defense martial arts training, this is either joyous news (that's the fat out of shape, never lift a weight in their life crowd) or its making the world a much more dangerous place.

  2. Maybe Rick Scott will flip-flop again and call to change the stupid law. Nah, that would actually make sense.

    1. stand your ground makes sense. the application of it in this instance doesn't.

    2. The law is too confusing as written. We have people making questionable calls all over the place now.

    3. This is an example of what I'm talking about. Do I feel sorry for the thief? No, but these are the kind of questionable scenarios that are occurring because of this law.

      "What happened: When Greyston Garcia discovered Pedro Roteta was stealing his car radio, he grabbed a knife, ran downstairs and chased Roteta down the street. After confronting Roteta, who reportedly had a closed pocketknife in his back pocket, Garcia fatally stabbed him. He said the man swung a heavy bag of car radios at his head. The incident was caught on camera. Garcia went home and fell asleep without calling 911, court records show. Garcia initially denied any involvement in the situation, but changed his story after police showed him videotape from a nearby store security camera. The officer who supervised the case asked,"How can it be stand your ground"?"

  3. What amazes me is, the "stand your ground" concept is not a two way street. At what point does your right to defend yourself end and his begins? Especially if you find out the other guy has a gun and you don't.
    Had Zimmerman just stayed in the car and followed the "watch" in neighborhood watch, nothing bad would have happened.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I am OK with stand your ground if you are inside your house and there is a break in or someone tried to hijack your car with you inside it. I am really OK with that but this isn't it. This was a confrontation, that I feel GZ started. The 9-11 operator told him to stop. GZ is supposed to be watch man, not a stalker. Why wasn't it OK for TM to stand his ground? He was walking on the side walk, talking on his phone and some fat dude got into his face?!? What was he supposed to do? Show his papers to some wannabe cop? Just lay down? Take the first punch from GZ?

    Just curious, what was TM supposed to do to stay safe? Could happen to anyone...

  5. I feel that with this verdict we have given all the little GZ wannabe cops the right to be judge, jury, and executioner...what about TM shot at a fair trail?

    He never had one because he's dead....

  6. "Pussies 100--Manhood O." Spot on Sol.

    Concrete is now considered a weapon...I really don't want to buy a gun but after this verdict, I'm not sure being unarmed is the best solution now. Sad day for America.

  7. WTF.....Let it go!!!!!! Karma is a bitch & Martin's caught up to him, He would never had been there if he had not been busted at school for pot & burglary tools, His incesstant post on Facebook about his prowness as a "street fighter" he took to heart, Picked the wrong "Creepy Ass Cracker" (his words) to confront after Zimmerman was walking back to his truck. Some seem to be hung up on Zimmerman's "fat ass"....look at photos before he has spent 23hrs. a day in a jail cell for over a year & his weight before he went in, I don't see where it makes any difference anyway. It's done, Leave it alone, Don't act like like a left-wing blog & keep harping on the injustice.

    1. dude. i'm looking at the case as it really is. sorry if it upsets you but the reality is that none of this would have happened if Zimmeman wasn't playing sheep dog, if he stayed in the car and waited for police and if he didn't shoot once the fight started. i can quite easily point to the whole series of events starting when Zimmerman chose to follow the guy, chose to get out of his truck.

      and the aftermath i predict is spot on. fist fights are a thing of the past. old skool thinking was you duke it out and certain rules applied. its one on one, not double or triple teaming and if you got your ass kicked you let it go and either get better so it doesn't happen again or you adjust your attitude that led to the fight.

      now. anytime i'm in an argument with someone i don't know i'm going to be ready to go to guns immediately. no intermediate step of pepper spray first, hands and then gun. nope. i'm going straight to guns. thats the only way to be sure.

      last but not least this ain't left wing at all talking. this is rational thinking and taking race out of it.

  8. This HAS to be some brilliant orchestrated and preplanned satire from solomon, since not even your average MUHREEN is this fucking dumb. But in case it's not, sneaking up behind a guy and getting a cheap shot on him and then proceeding to beat his face in is not a "fist fight" you dumb faggot. And what does his weight have to do with anything? The whole point of fire arms is that they are an equalizer, they aren't meant to be "fair".

    Btw, stop trying to drag the Corps. and Army into this argument just because you know you have no real argument on your own. The fact that Zimmerman wasn't a marine or soldier has absolutely ZERO relevance on his self defense against a wannabe thug like TM.

    My advice, you should seriously just stick to whining about how the F-35 is making the Corps. irrelevant.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. don't mind comments but cut and paste articles in a comment section just ain't gonna happen on my blog.

  10. So... Basically "Stand your ground" means you can bring a gun to a fistfight?

    America is becoming a parody of itself. Irrational fear is answered by irrational violence, yet this is considered okay.

    1. apparently so. everyone is so wrapped up in the racial aspects of this that they're not realizing the larger and more damaging social implications.

      some talk about wanting to go to a TV style wild west mentality. its only people that have never read the real history of the wild west. Dodge City had strict gun control for a reason. i'm not saying that i'm in favor of gun control. not by a long shot but this verdict is opening the door to stuff that many aren't thinking about.

    2. The racial aspect is everything - it was made so by Obama admin and race hustlers like sharpton. This was to be the ultimate ant-white show trial.

      Oh by the way Solomon - did you see Riots in Oakland ?

  11. I'm literally gagging on the stupidity here...

    Standing over a man who is on the ground, slamming his head into the concrete is not a "fist fight." We all learned that in the first grade.

    If these guys were having a fist fight, that fight was over when Zimmerman went down. Then it became a question of how far Martin was going to take it to the "creepy as crcker" as he put it. That is the transition from a "fight" to lethal force and it follows force escalation to a "t." (LE regularly shoots on less)

    Martin was safe at home, turned around to confront Zimmerman, who only exited his vehicle once little angel Trayon was out of sight. The prosecution evidence at the trial confirmed this.

    This is a case of self-defense. And if you feel slighted that Zimmerman "got off" then you have to ask yourself under what conditions a person is allowed to use lethal force to oppose equal force.

    Did Zimmerman have an obligation to die that night for the cause of racial harmony? Apparently some of you think so... Judging by the way things are going, it won't be long before many more are put in that situation.

    Should Zimmerman have just stayed home and watched TV? Well, when you're walled up in your home because the neighborhood has gone to crap then you'll know why--no one had the courage do anything while you call the guy who did a coward.

  12. Isn't the whole point of armed self-defense the fact that it is an equalizer? What if GZ was an old man, a woman, or significantly smaller/weaker than TM? Would any of those have changed his right to defend himself?

    I feel sorry for TM's family and friends, but I don't feel sorry for TM. Don't wanna end up dead? Don't punch people in the face. Endo story.

    1. This. People crying over dear little TM are no better than those who blame women for getting raped. "She shouldn't have been walking down the street alone at night. What did she expect, it's her own fault." No doubt TM thought, "I'm gonna kick this cracker's ass." Whoops. Guess not.

    2. Did Zimmerman tell TM he was armed? That likely would have ended the encounter, right then and there.

      Guns aren't a equalizer. They're a huge tactical advantage over someone armed with only his fists. Zimmerman had the advantage the entire time.

  13. The Justice Department announced earlier that they are exploring the possibility of federal criminal civil rights charges against Zimmerman.

    Thats a great soundbite for the pissed off masses, but I don't think it will go anywhere.

    1. little boys will make a big deal out of it but the truth is rather stark. Zimmerman profiled but the state ruled that he acted in self defense. they would in essence have to prove that he murdered and thats impossible because he killed the only other witness. quite honestly its perfect. its old skool perfect. i remember being told by instructors to make sure you kill the bad guy so its only your word that the jury will hear.

      thats what happened here.

  14. What irritates me are the crowds across this country screaming for justice. In this situation, justice was had. Zimmerman was charged, tried, and after the state failed to provide a convincing enough argument to convict, was acquitted. That was justice at work. Everyone bellowing for justice are not truly wanting justice, but vengeance instead. Vengeance is not justice. They seem to overlook that inconvenient fact.

  15. Cut and dry cases seldom make case law. When there is an obvious angel and an obvious devil the situation is easily resolved.

    You only get case law from the worst of defendents (such as US v. Haynes) or the best of arguments (Heller, McDonald).

    The importance of Zimmerman isn't that it became ok to be a racist gun carrying busybody, it is that no matter how much of a douchebag you are, you are in fear of your life when someone taller and fitter than you has you in the mount and pummels your face against concrete. If Zimmerman were a perfect defendent he would be a 98 year old grandmother of 20 assaulted by a 17 year old drug using criminal. That he isn't an ideal defendent isn't his fault, but the outcome is good case law for self defense.

    Or would you want to live in Britain where self defense is not an acceptable justification for lethal force? Britain has a lower murder rate than the US because they don't call it murder until they have a conviction, when you look at "Homicides of interest to the police" then you see the criminal death rate is higher than the U.S. Giving up the inate right to self defense doesn't increase your safety or mine. And I doubt either of us go around getting into fistfights as a matter of course. I may not be a gentleman, but I'm sure not stupid.

    1. 1. of course i don't go looking for fist fights....just using young male behavior as a barometer.

      2. everyone is assuming that Zimmerman DID NOT initiate the fight because thats what he's telling us. since none of us was actually there, no one knows. that is an issue. lets take the extreme reverse. lets say he did initiate the fight and was getting his ass whipped. does that change everything? you bet your ass. thats my biggest point. everyone speaking in defense of Zimmerman is singing off his playsheet. we just don't freaking know.

      3. yes a grandmother being assaulted by a 20 year old would be the perfect defendant. but everything remains the same even with granny in her advanced age. if she initiates combat and then attempts to claim self defense then something is definitely wrong.

      4. i don't know if Zimmerman is a racist and don't care. the dude can be a card carrying member of the KKK and go to the StormFront site daily. its his business not mine.

      5. great point about the UK but i'm trying to get across the gun guys a different issue. this trial that many are hailing and jumping up and down about will bite them eventually. everyone always listens to the blowhards. that's not the people to pay attention to. its whats going on quietly. efforts will be made to alter the law to make the one fateful decision that Zimmerman made (getting out of his car and following Martin) part of a criminal episode. others will be trying different tacks. this ain't hardly over...for gun guys and legislation or for Zimmerman.

  16. So,

    1. We agree.

    2. There is no forensic evidence or eyewitness account that denies Zimmerman's account.

    3. We have no proof that Zimmerman initiated a fight. If he had a history of initiating fights I believe it would have been brought up in the trial.

    4. We agree.

    5. You are committing the "crystal ball" fallacy. However I agree with you that this will "invigorate" the anti gun crowd. The next logical move for the anti gun crowd is to attack the SYG legislation (that wasn't applicable to Zimmerman)and change the legally acceptable force continuum to include a duty to retreat. Which brings us back to the UK. Now we have Zimmerman with a successful defense, and John McNeil and John White without. Three men who did the same thing, defend themselves, two are in jail and one isn't.

  17. Sure thang, then when some guy beats you into a coma, paralysis or stupid you can boast that you did it like a man. If you can still talk through your jaw splint.
    Every person is not a trained fist fighter, boxer or karate master and to just fight with some idiot who hates you because of your color and be beaten into a pulp is ignorant.
    And it can get you killed.
    Last month in the town up the road.
    Three men are behind bars, accused of kicking and punching a man to near death.
    The victim is at Atlanta Medical Center with critical head injuries.
    Channel 2's Tony Thomas spoke to the family of 21-year-old Chase Mayfield, who remains in a coma.
    Mayfield's brothers say the support from others is what keeps them going.
    Cody and Colt Mayfield have been at Atlanta Medical since the attack happened early Friday.
    Their brother was at Stix Bar and Grill in Villa Rica. Witnesses said the victim walked outside to help a man who had too much to drink. Investigators said once outside, he was beaten and kicked unconscious.
    "He tried to avoid the situation. One hit him and he tried to run away to get away from the situation because he was outnumbered, and as another man hit him from the side he fell and hit the concrete," Cody Mayfield said.
    What a manly Man that guy was getting beaten into a coma by three white bikers who just rode around the county starting fights and beating people badly.
    Yes there are others who were beaten by these same thugs, for no reason, no robbery just for the thrill of beating another to a pulp.
    This is what fighting with your fist can do.
    I don't go out and plan to get into a fist fight to prove I'm not a pussy and if assaulted and battered, I'll do the less manly thing and shoot.
    A person can be beaten to death, and into a traumatic brain injury by people who have no property, money or jobs to sue them for damages is a waste of time and effort. If George Zimmerman had been beaten and lived who would pay his doctor bills? Trayvon?
    You do what ever you feel like you gotta do, I plan on surviving by any means nesassary.

    1. you took what i said to the craziest extreme possible. if i have to explain what i mean by no more fist fights then awesome. but the scenario you put forth is out of left field.


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