Friday, July 19, 2013

No stripper pole? No problem, supply shelves will do. Another Airwoman behaving badly.

She needs to work on her flexibility to be truly impressive, but I'm sure her Squadron mates were satisfied with the performance.

I've said it once and I'll say it again.  Its not the Males, its the Females.  In the military, Females are (at least sexually if not operationally) a low density, high value item that men compete for.  Add to it plain Janes that were once ignored and now are the center of attention, is it no wonder that the reality is far different than the picture that's being painted?

Note:  As far as the title of this ditty is concerned don't blame me.  The US Air Force should have developed a gender neutral name for its service people.  We have Marines, Soldiers, Sailors and technically Airmen...but I'm a traditionalist.  Why would I call a female a male?  If males are identified as Airmen, then its reasonable to call females serving Airwomen.


  1. I believe Airman can be a gender neutral term. I believe it is the feminists who have sexualized and corrupted all of our -man terms for their own agenda. Human is a good example of how these words can be non-sexualized. I don't think I've ever seen calls for huwoman to be used. So it makes sense that a term like Airman can equally refer to both genders in the Air Force.

    1. We cant use human, or manufactured, at work....

  2. I'm with Max Headroom.

    Besides, aren't female Marine officers still called "Sir"?

  3. Eventually all these frictions will be managed/are already managed well enough to see an increasingly sophisticated professional approach emerge that makes things clear to all parties in terms of standards, behavior, rewards and sanctions.

    Like any other civil-rights-centered perspective before, any (seeming) excesses are often reflecting the violations casually/habitually/structurally inflicted. So our Feminist friends will and should not stop until the last vestiges of unholy 'tradition' are sanctioned out of the realm of professional conduct.

    Since these armed forces are indeed serving all members of society, representing the interests of over 50% of the society makes Feminists likely the most valuable domestic force for positive change yet.

    The old grotesque 'Separate-but-Equal' proposition has been tried and found to violate the rights of women and men alike, with women's lives and aspirations arbitrarily curtailed and systematically diminished, and men inevitably left with under-evolved and willfully-damaged partners and everyone stuck with society-distorting 'values' that never did serve anyone and retarded progress in so many uncountable instances - quite apart from 'the number' it did on everyone's chances to live a rich life.

    Picture the fighting-strength available with full integration of women and LGBT folks. A civilized society sure would want the most mojo to get work done in the protection of its (civilized) interests.

    Good thing that we are in the middle of yet another momentous wave of productive progress towards the realization of basic constitutional rights and obligations for all. Gratifying to see in its final stages of evolution to an historically unprecedented level of exemplary civilization.

    And that needs defending indeed !

    As to words, other languages resolve the 'challenges' differently due to their own range of at times quite unambiguous designations that would never give rise to that problem raised in SOLOMON's last paragraph. As rich as the English language is, we may find that ever so minor issue resolved as well in due time...

    1. You sneeze glitter I'm guessing.

      Everything you say sounds like a wonderful eutopia, the problem is the military has screwed up nearly every phase of women in the military.

      Its like that Seinfold joke "Two MEN could do that, not TWO guys like us."

      Its perfectly reasonable anywhere else, but the military is different. Other military forces that have successfully integrated women have had to become a lot more lax about sex and alternate lifestyles. The US military is now going the opposite direction and ratcheting up the pressure to "accept individuality yet conform". I bet it ends just great. Remember that the US military is freaked out about letting a service person have A BEER.

  4. 'Air-Head' beats 'Oil-Head' - or whatever they call them...


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