Monday, July 08, 2013

One of the best vids I've seen on self defense from a vehicle.

This is a great vid.  Matter of fact and straight to the point.  Additionally it covers the bases for the second fight you'll be involved in after defending yourself.

The court fight.

Many don't want to admit it but you WILL be asked if you had a chance to retreat (even in stand your ground states),  they will ask if you felt you were in danger (an unarmed frail woman thats homeless about to pass out from starvation is not a threat except from maybe disease) from the attacker and they will ask if you were aware of the backstop to your target.

I like it.  Smart, factual and concise.


  1. This is a good video. A good rule of thumb is when at a light if you are behind another car make sure you can see the car in front of you rear tires touching the road.Also I have seen holsters where you can have your gun hidden under your steering wheel or mounted under the dash.

  2. "Public ranges aren't going to let you drive up on the range and shoot"....unless you live in Texas. 'Merica

    1. hmmm. i live in the country so i can do it on private land. everyone that lives in the sticks can shoot on their own property so it isn't a problem. i can see the issue for those that are urban or in the cities though.


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