Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Opinion. Zimmerman will get off but rioting isn't what you should worry about.

We've been round and round on the Zimmerman trial.  With the defense soon to wrap up here's what I see.

1.  Zimmerman will walk.  His defense team was simply better than the prosecution.
2.  I stand by my thinking on the character of the guy.  He's a wanna be cop and he reeks of little man syndrome.  You're right I wasn't there but I bet that if he was faced with someone larger he would not have gotten within a stones throw of him.
3.  Zimmerman overstepped his bounds on that night.  Following someone is stalking at best, menacing at worst.  If you're visiting a relative and some strange guy starts following you because your car broke down on the way, I'd bet you'd grip your pistol or at the very least adjust clothing so you could get to it quickly.
4.  I don't believe there will be rioting.  There is no doubt in my mind that a plan is in place that will have so many police resources flowing to even a peaceful assembly that it will look like a SWAT convention.  This is the type of thing that Homeland Security lives for!
5.  For those that are level headed consider this.  Rioting isn't the real worry.  The real worry is that (especially with Chicago now about to become concealed carry) the stand your ground laws will be reviewed and probably aligned to the reality of people (a minority of gun owners) brandishing their firearms when facing unarmed people.  Additionally Florida has seen a rash of shootings that Law Enforcement calls that I mean the shooting of unarmed people and their being doubt about the threat.

Long story short.  Zimmerman walks, there are no riots and we'll probably see a massive show of police force that will be credited (wrongly) for keeping a lid on things.


  1. bet there will be riots - its in their blood...

  2. Yeah. Rioting is in black people's blood.

    Except when it's white people. Apparently it's in their blood too. But only after something that's really really important. Like a hockey game.

  3. One thing is for sure... Zimmerman's lawyers are getting paid. Zimmerman's defense fund has already burned through $314,000 worth of donations, and they're asking for $120.000 more!

    It's scary to think that someone would need a half million just to get a fair trial. That means that he's either guilty as hell and trying to buy his way out, or that the system is seriously fucked up. Maybe both.

  4. Solid analysis Sol!

    I would add there is another thing to worry about...

    If blacks don't get their riots (catharsis) we will see an uptick in racially motivated hate crime against "whites." Nevermind that Zimmerman isn't "white," that is the narrative the race hustlers and media have sold to the black community.

    Blacks already, by-and-large, believe crimes against whites are justified for past injustices. Eric Holder has already repealed the 14th Amendment for "whites." An increase in hate crimes will welcome a response for which the black community is unprepared.

    The icing on that sh1t cake is that it will be wealthy white urban Liberals who will be the first victims and will demand action.

    Resident Author

  5. They need to strike the law down here. I continue to open the paper to read of ridiculous cases of people, who clearly don't have the intelligence, or ability, to decipher what exactly is within the boundaries of acceptable behavior under the law.

    The NRA hurts their case in the long run when idiots such as Zimmeramn continue to make questionable calls, because they lack common sense.

  6. An unarmed man can beat you to death.
    If Turdy was on top how would Zimmerman know Turdy was unarmed?
    If a person is in this situation they will tell you that being beaten is a disconcerting experience.
    There are No Laws against following anyone, there are laws against assaulting someone who is following a person.
    I ride a road bike all around my area and often I am followed by NW's who are protecting themselves and their neighbors property by using the common Neighborhood watch that the Police recommend after a series of break-in's We had some and we were told the Police cannot stop such crimes and to form a NW.
    When challenged or observed by these NW's I always smile and wave, with a big Howdy Bubba! I am not going to assault the NW because I am not committing any crimes. I am not on Lean or Drank, pot and high on racism nor do I have the intention of robbing, raping or killing.
    The one person who did over react was Turdy, high on dope and angry with the world looking for a fight. When he saw he was under a watchful eye he fled (Proverbs 28:1) then after he snaked around to confront the creepy ass cracker who made the mistake of attempting to keep his neighborhood safe, by having the gall to follow Turdy when the cracker turned and walked away Turdy attacked.
    Even as a home owner/business owner when robbed or assaulted if the perp turns and walks/run's away they cannot be attacked as a defensive action the same goes for zimmerman once he disengaged he was in the right once Turdy attacked he, Turdy, was in the wrong when he told the cracker while he was MMAing him he was gonna die tonight he made a threat of death while committing assault and battery on a man who was simply watching out for his neighborhood.
    Yes, this all could have been avoided by both of these clowns by being civil to each other, example: Hi My name is George I'm the Watchman for the area and I'm checking to see if you are OK. Turdy could have replied, Hey Homey! I'm staying at my Dad's girlfriends house and just got some skittles for my Brother.
    Zimmerman would have made a recognition of Trayvon being a guest and went on down the road, Trayvon would have went to his Dad's girlfriends house and all would have been right with the world.
    There is no law that says following a person is grounds for ambushing and assaulting them.
    Trayvon could have stayed home, so could Zimmerman, BUT!
    Coulda, shoulda, woulda, didn't.
    I do not know either of these guys but, if I'm jumped knocked down, beaten, placed in fear of my life I would have shot the attacker also.
    As it is I wasn't there and basically don't give a damn either way.

  7. Put yourself in George Zimmerman's shoes.
    If you haven't been there you cannot really make a judgement call.
    Choices, we live or die by the ones we make.
    >George Jones<

  8. We have a lot of hotshots like Zimmerman here in Miami. Wannabees who think they're are hotshots, or aspire to be one. Unfortunately, they lack the brains and common sense.

    He was told to stay in the car. He was told by his own watch not to carry a gun.

    Now the wannabee will never be a cop, and now he forever has a cloud over his head. Scratch another stupid wannabee.

    1. GZ was not on duty, he was going out when he observed an unknown person in his community. GZ has a carry permit. It was suggested that he remain in his vehicle after he was already out of the car. By the way he was turned down for the job because of credit issues.
      If your going to comment on the case and the involved parties, please follow the case or do some reading first.
      The entire case by the state is a sham... They just want The Good Reverent happy.

    2. Thank God for that. We don't need idiots like this in positions of power.

  9. I am of the opinion that Zimmerman is going to walk. This case will be studied for years in law schools, as an example of how not to prosecute a case. The prosecution has stumbled repeatedly, and this entire case has been a comedy of errors from start to current.

    Now, I am of the opinion that the fault lays at Zimmerman's feet. He was told to not follow Martin by the 911 operator, and disregarded that. Had he listened, this situation would never have happened. No, this is not be making an excuse for Martin either. Both share fault, but Zimmerman could have prevented this had he simply let this go.

    Any way you slice it, this is a mess. I'm really hoping we don't see rioting like that following the trail of the officers involved in the Rodney King incident.

  10. He should walk. Who cares if he is a wanna be cop or has little man syndrome. What don't people simply ask the question of what was going through Martin's mind to think he had the right to confront and attack someone who had done nothing to him. Martin's dead because of Martin - that simple. You don't wanna get shot don't attack people.

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  12. I guess he was saying something really nasty.

    Let's take race out of this and simply look at the event as an altercation between two people - which is was. GZ is out in his car and aware of the crimes in the neighborhood. TM walks by and GZ doesn't recognize him from the neighborhood. They eyeball each other. TM keeps walking wondering why GZ is eyeballing him. GZ calls the non emergency police number makes and initial report and is asked specific questions about the "suspicious" person. GZ loses sight of TM and walks in his last known direction. TM is on the phone talking to a friend and saying he is being followed by some "cracker" or as the press described him a white Hispanic (I guess that's a Spainard). GZ is walking to the club house when he is confronted by TM. TM asks GZ if he has a problem to which GZ responds no and then gets hit in the face - the nose (for anyone who has been hit, especially in the nose it can be a little disorienting). GZ goes down to the ground and TM gets on top of him throwing some blows (witnesses). GZ's head is smacking the side walk so he slides onto the grass where the jacket his jacket comes up exposing his 9mm. TM sees it and says "you are gonna die tonight" (GZ's words). They tussle some more, GZ pulls out his 9mm and now there is a trial.

    Now, step back and take a look at TM and his upbringing. Goes to live with Dad because of trouble in school and Mom can not handle him. TM had to be tough to make it in his neighborhood and I'm not in the least bit suprised. So why does TM get a pass - because he was 17? Why didn't TM just keep walking - so what GZ eyeballed him? I'm sure it wasn't the first time TM was scrutinized.

    Again, TM is dead because of TM. Years ago when I worked in Honolulu a couple of teens were killed by a dude at a MacDonald's. This guy was a little unstable and had that kind of creepy/crazy look. Anyways, the teens go into the Mac where they spot him and verbally harrass him. They are thinking it's funny, ha, ha in all that. The dude whacks em. Lesson - don't be dick and make fun of people for your own pure entertainment, especially crazy people. Did they deserve to die - no, but they definitely got their shit scattered.

  13. Sol, Miami PD is already setting up for possible unrest.


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