Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Pre-Production TAPV is headed to Canadian Army.

On July 1, the first Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle (TAPV) pre-production vehicle shipped to Aberdeen Test Center. The vehicle is part of the Qualification Program for TAPV. During the next eight months the vehicle will be used to qualify those requirements not covered in the Request for Proposal (RFP) submission. The vehicle was cleared to ship after the team passed the Test Readiness Review and Test Supportability Requirement Verification Review. Over the next month, the remaining five pre-production vehicles and the blast surrogate will be delivered. Once delivered the Reliability Maintainability Durability and Availability program will begin. This program, over eight months, puts the vehicles through simulated missions, driving 200,000 Km. After final testing is complete, full rate production will start for our Canadian customer.

And the Canadian Army does what the Marine Corps couldn't.  They setup a list of requirements for the manufacturers to meet, they test the submitted vehicles and then they select a winner and get the vehicle into production.

Maybe we need to send some of our people from the AAV program office up North to get schooled on the process?


  1. Are you kidding? Canadian procurement is a joke. After canceling EH101 ASW helocopters out of sheer spite for the previous government, Canada is still waiting more than 20 years later for a Sea King replacement.

    The F-35 was all but bought and paid for without looking at options like the Rhino or Typhoon.

    Canada sold its entire Chinook fleet before going to Afghanistan. Resulting in dead Canadian soldiers thanks to IEDs. Now that we are out of Afghanistan, we finally get new, customized models that are years late and millions over budget.

    Then there's the mothballed British subs we bought... That killed Canadian sailors thanks to their ilack of seaworthiness.

    Every once in a while, they accidently get something right, but even a broken clock is right twice a day.

    1. i said Canadian Army. they might have reversed themselves on the Close Combat Vehicle but they saw this through and real quick too.


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