Friday, July 12, 2013

S. Africa to build a new Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

Thanks for the article Jonathan.

via Defense Web.
DENEL Land Systems (DLS) is preparing to ramp up production of new infantry fighting vehicles for the South African National Defence Force.
Armscor, the procurement agency for the defence force, is expected to place the order in the next few months for about 230 of five variants of the Badger.
The government undertook in 2005 to buy at least 264 new infantry vehicles for the army to replace its Ratel combat vehicles, which are more than 30 years old. Unlike the navy and the air force, the army did not benefit from the multibillion-rand arms deal. The navy received submarines and frigates, and the air force helicopters, Hawks and Gripen fighter jets.
The Hoefyster programme, which includes the Badger production contract, aims to design and build an eight-wheel-drive vehicle in the 25-ton class. It is to carry between four and 12 men and will be equipped with various turret and on-board options to provide infantry with motorised transport and protection. The "8x8" configuration will give the vehicles optimal mobility over the roughest terrain, ensuring the infantry can enter and withdraw from conflict areas with minimum exposure and maximum survivability.
Defence secretary Dr Sam Gulube told journalists last month that the Badger production contract under Project Hoefyster had been revised and approved in February this year. The paperwork is with Armscor, which would soon send it out to the main contractor in the defence industry, DLS.

First the Brazilians and now S. Africa...not to mention Malaysia, Indonesia, S. Korea, Japan, and practically every small country in Europe now has or is developing a Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicle.

They're succeeding where the Marine Corps failed.



  1. It just looks right...good looking IFV IMO...

  2. It's the Patria AMV. They've been planning these for a while but it was delayed IRCC.

    Which, in a way, is even more pathetic for the USMC considering the SADF are fielding a Patria AMV version before they can.

  3. Funnily, I had recently been thinking of posting something about the Badger program, considering your interest in Patria.
    SA are supposed to also field a direct-fire mortar version, with -5 to +70 degree elevation I believe.
    A 120mm gun for a tank destroyer is separately proposed (properly distinguishing from fire support role), but that doesn't seem to have solid backing yet.

  4. This type of problem doesn't just plague the USMC but US DOD in general, how come other countries seem to be able to buy weapon systems a lot faster than the US military? Why is everything so damn expensive and always late? Why can't this country settle for 75% good enough for half the price and on time? Nope, we have to get the gold plated, way over budget and delayed for years every freaking time.... Why can't USMC buy an off the self IFV? Why do we have to reinvent he wheel every-time? Especially combat vehicles, it is probably one of the last sectors where there is still lots of companies that can provide very good capability and it could be a very competitive program with lots of interest from around the world.

  5. The proposed big gun version uses the Denel 105mm LEO that was recently tested by the US Army.

  6. As a last comment on this issue, there is a very good video on the Patria AMV or called the Badger here. As an aside, South Africa has a very sound history in AFV design. We came up with the V shaped hull for blast deflection (because we had to) and the Patria AFV doe snot look dissimilar to our own locally produced Ratel which is now past it's sell by date. We invented the blast seats, the V hull and blown out panels in the roof. I never served in a Ratel unit but these machines took some serious hits. We could not defend against direct hits from RPG's in those days but we did have entire vehicle compliments walk away form Ratels that were flipped by what were used to call "Double CHeese" mines or two Russian anti tank mines placed on top of each other. We suffered very few losses from anti tank mines but to be fair we did not know about EOD's in those days.

  7. Sorry the Patria AFV video is on the Patria site.

  8. Why did the SANDF/Armscor have to go to the expense of designing (or specifying the design) of the vehicle as well as designing the turret and the gun? In today's austere budget conditions, why didn't we buy MOTS?


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