Thursday, July 18, 2013

Sex in the military.

The military isn't going to really get a handle on sex in the military (which in turn leads to the sexual harassment issue) until they actually come up with some type of neutering device that temporarily shuts down the sex drive in men and women.  Having said that, what do you think the response would be to a Commanding Officer issuing office hours to personnel that post suggestive pictures on the internet under grounds of conduct unbecoming?

Side Note:  I was searching for gun porn on a couple of sites when I ran into the above pics.  So erase the silliness.


  1. Sol just in case you didn't notice these are WOMEN. I know at your age it is hard to remember. :)

    Seriously matey women can go do what they like and it will be the mans fault. What if a male sailor or soldier makes a pass at one of these two because he reads the message they are sending out differently. Notice I didn't say wrong. This reminds me of something I read that explains young women's behaviour when they dress for a night out. They are dressing to attract males, but, and this is the kicker, only the males they are interested in. If an average 30 year old male looks at an 18 year old prom queen wearing next to nothing it is the male invading her privacy not the other way. Forget evolution or biology or sex. That is how she would view it.

    If you notice in the media when teenage pregnancies are discussed the problem is always laid at the boy's door. All teenage girls are chastened innocents don't you know? I was a youth leader working with teenagers for over 10 years. That age gap of about a decade and so sitting outside teenage mating behaviours was a real eye opener to who drove the relationships. TBH that is why I rail against this stuff so much the politically correct feminist message does both genders harm.

    If these were civilians it would be a different matter. Our armed forces are still by a good majority mostly male. Wives and girlfriends have enough to worry about when their menfolk go away. Even in peace the military environment is a dangerous one. It a closed pressure environment as well. Wives and girlfriends don't need something else to think or worry about with who are their men folk are working.

    That second picture is especially bad. What if that had been a male soldier showing his boxer shorts with his genetials clearly "defined" if you get my drift? He would be brought up on a charge.

    It isn't funny. It is unprofessional. And it is corrosive to discipline.

    1. hmm don't get the reference to me not noticing they're women....i'm not as cool as i used to be so maybe it is an age thing. otherwise i totally agree.

    2. Sol re "don't get the reference to me not noticing they're women" it was a joke.........stop trying too hard my friend.

      I must come across as misogynist but I am not.

    3. Dear Gods steve you right... the is always our fault. Eve eat that apple but it was Adam fault that they were throw out from Eden. :D

    4. I am often always right rather like feminists. ;)

  2. The solution of your problem is well known in french army : Just read the feedback of one embedded GI in our troops :

    1. This is probably the best post here. The problem with the American military wrt anything to do with sex is primarily the problem with America and anything to do with sex.

      We live in an interesting dichotomy being by far the most sexually repressive country in the developed world while also being the leaders in both creating pornography and consuming pornography!

  3. Sol, That Sailor in the top picture got me to singing an old Jody the rest of the day! It goes like this; "GI GRITS AND GI GRAVY DAMN I WISHED I'D JOINED THE NAVY, OH I WANT TO GO, RIGHT BACK TO QUANTICO, OH LORD I WANT TO GO HOME!"
    Please tell me she is;
    A. not a lesbian.
    b. A Corpsman assigned to Marines.

  4. Indeed that sailer is something.

    In the navy
    Yes, you can sail the seven seas
    In the navy
    Yes, you can put your mind at ease
    In the navy
    Come on now, people, make a stand
    In the navy, in the navy

  5. Navy girls are Marine Corps Mattresses.

    Best post ever.

  6. We Americans have a love/hate relationship with sex. That is we love to hate it and hate loving it. It's okay to sever limbs in a movie, but a pair of boobies might bring about the Apocalypse.

    In college, I was an RA.

    Young people +
    Hormones +
    No Parents +
    Lot's of Stress +
    Loneliness +

    = sex

    Trying to stop those 19 and 20 yo from hooking up was like expecting ice not to melt in Texas during July. Sooner or later, it's going to happen.

    The best we could do was mitigate it by establishing where and when it was unacceptable. The rule was no room visits after a certain hour and no interfering with the lives of other students. There was plenty of sex going on, but it meant people recognizing boundaries and where their actions intrude upon others rights.

    I don't envy any NCO or Officer tried to keep a lid on the cauldron of sexual urges in any military unit. It is going to happen.

  7. Its like NASA and sex in space. Its going to happen if it hasn't already. Deal with it.

    Now, when it comes to living up the standards the military imposes on you, that's a different story. I would see nothing wrong with posts like these getting the girls in trouble for "conduct unbecoming".

  8. I'm actually surprised there hasn't been a huge backlash. Even private companies have employee contracts with social media clauses built into them. If you post a picture of you smashed on your neighbors coach while wearing a company T-shirt, its grounds for termination.

    The pics of the lovely ladies I see above are clearly "in uniform" even the service is distinguishable. If they are in civvies, its still a problem, but its not nearly as easy to prove or catch, and only people that knew them would know they served.

    1. the backlash is here, but its just muted. i don't know how the Marine Corps is going to be able to keep a lid on this much longer but the Devil Dogs are pissed. it goes all across the line but you have Marines that will jet the first chance they get. if they mess around and get the numbers wrong on early outs then they're gonna be screwed because people are ready to bail. all it will take is the economy just getting a little bit better and you'll have a cattle stampede to the exits.

  9. Sol,
    Do you know what rules our allies that allow women in combat have? I have heard that sex on ship or in the barracks is perfectly acceptable and also between officer and enlisted? Any truth to this?

    In other words they do not fight nature and if everyone wants to get it on then that is acceptable.

    1. yeah. i keep hearing that other militaries allow their service people to go at it like bunny rabbits. the only thing that makes me wonder is that we're talking about forces that depend on US to be the ones to pull their tails out the fire.

    2. Yeah, but still only rumors.. I need to work on my French and go to Mali.

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