Friday, July 12, 2013

Should we consider enlarging the Tank Detachment assigned to the MEU?

Modest proposal.

We should consider enlarging the Tank Detachment assigned to the MEU from 4 to perhaps 6 and as many as 8 tanks.

Why?  In light of the decisions made regarding our Infantry transports its essential that they have on call fire power and even ad hoc,  in extremis route proving ability.  Additionally the armored threat is increasing in the Pacific region, anti-armor weapon flourishing and since we won't have a vehicle mounting a 30mm cannon (as planned for with the canceled EFV), fire support will be at a premium.

Aviation assets will not always be there, whether its because of weather, supporting SOCOM or duties with the Naval Air Forces, which makes attached firepower that is under the direct command of the GCE and can't be yanked away essential.

Increasing the number of tanks assigned to each MEU would go a long way in making up for an obvious gap in firepower.  


  1. This is something I could get behind. If the Marine's could get their hands on Stryker's, the additional four vehicles could come from there, and provide a bit more flexibility.

    1. i'm not holding my breath on any solution to the armor issues we're facing. i just don't believe the flexibility exists to take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.

    2. In an era where the 100% solution is unworkable, the 80-85% solution needs to be pursued. Honestly, I have no clue what that might be, but thought needs to be put into finding it.

  2. Stryker is crap and is based on an insane logistics support model. It also can't swim which equals: useless; especially for Marines. As for the armor, well, that all depends what kind of resources are available with the dire budget situation.

    1. What's "crap" about it?

      Does it really need to swim? If so, how well? The Marine LAV isn't a surf-zone swimmer.

      I wonder if the LAV-III swimming gear can be retrofitted to the Stryker? It'd have to lose its MEXAS and cage armor, but still might be cheaper than a brand-new vehicle.

    2. This much of crap...

    3. So wouldn't all these complaints apply to the LAV? The Striker is over 3.5 metric tonnes heavier than the LAV. Where did all the weight go?

      In the end these are both derivatives of the Swiss MOWAG family.

    4. Ok, so "Defense program doesn't live up to billing." Shocking. Name one that has.

      With MEXAS and cage armor the Stryker is still better protected than any other Marine combat vehicle except the M1A1.

  3. From everything I have heard there is no tonnage left on the amphibs to transport 4 more tanks. You would have to leave something, lots of somethings, behind.

    Oh and the 80% solution was the MPC family of vehicles being launched off of LCACs to enable the Amphibs to stay over the horizon. Not perfect but better than nothing.

  4. Though I agree about tanks, wasnt the idea behind having an organic ACE within the MEU that we didn't have to worry about SOCOM or other parties pulling from our resources...

    1. thats just not in the cards. ACE wants to go off and play with SOCOM and other parties. personally i'm tired of fighting that war. let'em go. we'll work around them just like we should work around Force Recon, Recon and MARSOC wanting to go. i say let all the bastards go play whatever.


    Is the answer i think. It is the gun and the mobility you want. :)

    1. been all over the M8. its gone and never coming back. no need to even include it in the discussions. the closest thing thats in production that meets its specs is probably the CV-120.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Armour for amphibious operations is a lesson from history which has often been conveniently forgotten in peace time by governments - yet there is the fact that whenever it has been there the 'mobile fire bases' tanks have provided the assault troops have not only been invaluable operationally but have also save lives and increase likelihood of achieving defensible beachhead and defending that beachhead against attacks...

    My suggestion if weight is an issue would be:, as it's based on the LAV III/stryker, then perhaps the USMC could turn into the starting point for a rolling upgrade of their LAV 25s, conceivably could be turned into a MPC project by stealth if it was carefully managed.


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