Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Snowden HAS to have something even he doesn't realize the importance of.

via SkyNews.
The Bolivian President's plane was diverted after France and Portugal refused to let it cross their airspace over "unfounded suspicions" whistleblower Edward Snowden was on board, the country has claimed.
Evo Morales' flight made an unscheduled stop in the Austrian capital Vienna while returning home from Moscow.
Bolivian foreign minister David Choquehuanca told reporters that Portugal and France had abruptly cancelled air permits.
"They say it was due to technical issues, but after getting explanations from some authorities we found that there appeared to be some unfounded suspicions that Mr Snowden was on the plane," he said.
Read it all at SkyNews but I put forward the theory that Snowden is more than just "an enemy of the state" and that the reaction by our security agencies indicate that he MUST have some information that is so inflammatory that they would risk abusing diplomatic protocol and relations with our S. American neighbors to get it back.

It should have been a no brainer.  The Russians put out the story that Snowden is on the Bolivian President's airplane to judge US and Western European reaction...And what do we do?  We react exactly as planned.  We setback relations between the US and any small country, any idea that we respect and treat countries fairly is shit canned and we're left looking like rookies/incompetent.

The FSB played us like chumps.

We walked right into it and look like fools.

And we still don't have Snowden.

I'll say it again for effect.  I don't know what Snowden has but he must have some world shaking info in those computers that the powers that be don't want getting out.  By the reactions of officials we could eventually see something powerful enough to bring down an administration.

Just sayin.


  1. Russia and european people( in contrary of european liberals) don't want the free market space between america and EU. That's, I think, the bigger piece of cake that is currently affected by his revelations...
    Just hundreds of billions are in balance...

    And if he has one proof that NSA give intel to US industrials...big deals could be broken with us Firms...

  2. And Snowden maybe is already dead, hearth attack, car accident, some kind of bad luck. You don't do such thing and walk away.

  3. He's going to end up being snatched by some very unfriendly foreign intelligence agents and tortured til he tells everything he knows. Which must be pretty substantial since the gov't is in such a frenzy to get him back.

  4. I'd bet money that he has information that the routers and similar hardware that is built by US and allied nations' companies are all wired to be monitored by the NSA.

    Remember when Congress put the kibosh on Chinese communications companies doing business in the US? for exactly those same reasons. The infrastructure has monitoring capability built right in to it.

  5. Snowden has the skinny on Obama, his records, his friends before the election and no doubt evidence of voter fraud led by the democrats in high places.
    Snowden is a Zombie now, he is dead but still walking until he gets into an area with very little worry about collateral damage.
    Snowden may not know just what he has but what ever the data is it's enough to skeer de shit outa the current administration.
    We? I do not consider the current administration as we.
    I prefer Them.


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