Sunday, July 28, 2013

Social Unrest is coming to America. Here's the proof.

via AP.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Four out of 5 U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty or reliance on welfare for at least parts of their lives, a sign of deteriorating economic security and an elusive American dream.
Survey data exclusive to The Associated Press points to an increasingly globalized U.S. economy, the widening gap between rich and poor and loss of good-paying manufacturing jobs as reasons for the trend.

The findings come as President Barack Obama tries to renew his administration's emphasis on the economy, saying in recent speeches that his highest priority is to "rebuild ladders of opportunity" and reverse income inequality.
Hardship is particularly on the rise among whites, based on several measures. Pessimism among that racial group about their families' economic futures has climbed to the highest point since at least 1987. In the most recent AP-GfK poll, 63 percent of whites called the economy "poor."
"I think it's going to get worse," said Irene Salyers, 52, of Buchanan County, Va., a declining coal region in Appalachia. Married and divorced three times, Salyers now helps run a fruit and vegetable stand with her boyfriend, but it doesn't generate much income. They live mostly off government disability checks.
"If you do try to go apply for a job, they're not hiring people, and they're not paying that much to even go to work," she said. Children, she said, have "nothing better to do than to get on drugs."
Read the entire article and then consider this.

What we saw in Southern Europe and Brazil won't hold a candle to events here if things go off the rails.

The economy sucks, isn't getting better and (my opinion, your mileage may vary) the different "made up" battles between the sexes (war on women), gay rights (forcing marriage equality onto regions of the country not ready for it or against the will of the people where there have been elections), women in combat, sequestration, Trayvon Martin incident, and other issues are all being used to mask the real problem.

Those are all symptoms of a society under pressure.

The economy is still on the skids, the President and Congress don't give a fuck and trouble is ahead.

I'll enjoy watching the fireworks. 


  1. The best part about these "society is on the verge of collapse” claims is that you never have to admit how stupid they are because you can keep pushing the timeline just around the corner.

    1. ok. so you must be of the opinion that everything is great. you're welcome to it. i did say your mileage may vary.

    2. Those are my options? A perfect utopia or a society to the brink of some dystopian future?

    3. dude, you can choose whatever, however, wherever you want. this is a fucking blog. nothing special there are tons out there. i just gave my opinion. you disagreed. awesome.

      want a cookie?

  2. Kinda glad I live in Texas, we will probably be the first to say bye bye to the Union if it comes to that. :P

  3. LOL you mean the economy is bad? I have been in a cave since 2007, what have I missed?

  4. I would also say that the rapid path between unsustainable breeding to government check is part of the problem. Well that and what Ross Perot warned us about years ago, that, we cannot off-shore everything that isn't nailed down and expect to have a strong economy. Want to see Beechcraft manufacturing? Like many other industries you have to go to Mexico. I am more on the fair-trade side of things than the free-trade maniacs that have no loyalty to the United States. America was strongest when it had tariffs. - Regards.

  5. America has been through a civil war, 2 world wars, a great depression, and the civil rights movement, and every time we have come out on the other side a stronger country. What is happening now is chickenshit compared to how bad it has been. Take some history classes or read a book and get some perspective. This country isn't going down the drain because you decided to string a bunch of bad headlines together

    1. are you being willfully ignorant or do i need to teach you a few lessons. ok. class in session.

      consider that today we have a "safety net" that is negating the effects of the real economic downturn. without food stamps, and other welfare programs you would see the American people suffering on the same scale as they did during the great depression. that is a mitigating factor. the problem? the US government is running an insane deficit that is unsustainable.

      next. why would the US government seek to legalize 12-20 million illegals (not counting family members that will be coming too) unless there was an underlying weakness in the economy? the unemployment rate does not support such a move, societal tensions make it questionable, yet both parties are heading down that lane. outside of the Hispanic community no one is crying out for it. the truth? they're trying to shore up social security. 2 workers are supporting one retiree. that is unsustainable.

      you talk about the civil rights movement but the real thing that you should be talking about is the amount of social change that occured during the 60 and 70s. it wasn't just civil rights, but a war, economic shocks from a slow economy and an oil shock, changing social norms etc...

      world war 1 was a tragedy of Europe and didn't much effect the US per se'. world war 2 was a struggle against evil and has no direct comparison. the great depression? already explained that, so yeah. you can keep trolling my blog but the fact remain. shit is setup for failure.

      what you're suffering from is called normalcy bias.

  6. Hey with a little luck we can fumble this growing mess into a new cold war! Damn near the only thing we still make in this country is weaponry! But seriously, we need to shoot globalization in the balls and get some tariffs and stuff to protect our jobs and return some manufacturing. I'm all for being on good trade terms with our neighbors and allies but its fucking nuts to do business with Red China so that they can buy more bullets to shoot their own people, not to mention potentially us and our allies! Not that I'm holding my breath on any such change, the republican's business masters only see markets and cheap labor and some of the fucking democrats would like to be Red themselves. Shit whiskey is empty, Josh Actual, out

  7. Here it s the same problems. Economical problems cause of goldman Sachs guys (there are infiltrated deep in our governments), foolish carrierist wet chicken politicals, running poverty, goods quality decreasing, price increasing. I see coming riots too. I see in france in the next election the very angry right wing winning presidence. There will be moscow prosecution, a new republic, the 6 th, and cant imagine what happend after...
    Ps. How your governement had let unpunished goldman sachs ? They still act like real sith, and making billions on you ? There should be considerated like traitor and terrorist, doesn't it ?

    1. Oh there's plenty that would like to see those pricks prosecuted if not road hauled

  8. So this may be the reason behind "Militarization is coming from the Feds...happily accepted by the locals".
    Add NSA wiretapping the whole communication of the US people, FBI watching with the security cams all around, the omnipresent Homeland Security... Maybe thats driven by a hidden agenda, maybe not, but in case of largesclae social unrest or riots there are a lot of powerful tools available to struggle them as fast as the Occupy camps before, and to turn the US into something like pre-war Germany at will. No need for a Russian/Chinese/Canadian invasion to achieve this.

    1. I like that you keep deleting my posts so you can always have the last word Sol, very thin skinned I can see. If you were in the Marines, and in the GCE, you would be able to take some jabs, but its pretty clear you were never in either.

      I'm embarrassed for you.

  9. Looks like everybody had some 'earnest', 'righteous' fun here...

    Now back to reality!

  10. So, here is the only rationalization that I can come to, outside of just greed, in which the big wigs running the government are still looking out for the US (hang with me): we suffer in the short term in the current situation, but the plan is to use up the rest of the world's resources and save our own for when the world is belly up. We sustain until we find a way to handle the population's needs. I have no clue if this has been a perspective that others have considered. Any takers or past debates on this view?

  11. Instead of having a good 'ol doomsday fit about which none here can do much about anyway, how about pushing to reassert USMC amphibious capabilities fit for 21st century challenges ?!

    If not 'amphibious' against a hostile shore, what would characterize the USMC over USA and SOC ?

    Without a heavy-lift fast Connector to deploy the GCE in one First Wave rush, what are the chances of USMC not being progressively 'rationalized' downwards in the Age of Austerity ?

    Since here-&-now plausible, thus sounds doom-ey enough for me ?


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