Monday, July 08, 2013

When does a program become unaffordable?



Crusader Howitzer

Comanche Attack Helo


So when does a program become unaffordable?

No one seems to have an answer, but consider this.  If we applied the same metrics of the F-35 to the above programs then all of them would be in service today.

If the F-35 isn't affordable then why does it continue?

Quite simply because the critics are right.

The program is too big to fail.


  1. the critics are FOS. In the case of the F-35 there isn't an alternative, that meets the requirement. If we cancelled it we'd just end up spending more money for less down the road. Maybe those "experts" could tell us how that's a good idea? I'm not holding my breath. Lastly, all of the above examples are niche systems. The F-35 encompasses three services and will be the backbone of offensive air in the coming half century. Comparing the F-35 to the above systems isn't just the mistake of comparing apples and oranges. It's more like comparing apples and electricty.

    1. no. that is not an answer.

      fact. the F-35 has gone over budget.

      fact. we're several years into the program, have entered low rate production and the plane is still more than 200 mill a pop.

      fact. the vehicles and aircraft above were no worse than the F-35 but they were killed.


  2. This is a cyclical cause and effect. they cancel a project because its costly then start a new one will cost roughly the same as the problem is in the bells and whistles military want and set themselves into a trap. the are some smaller projects that have worked well because they were not trying to get everything under the sun.

    For the F35 the goal posts keep moving everytime, so there is not a good reference point.

  3. Affordability or budgetary woes were not what brought Crusader to an end. Rumsfeld's vision of a lighter, more flexible and mobile military doomed Crusader. It was simply a system that didn't fit into Rumsfeld's vision of what the military should be, so it was axed. That being the case, I don't feel the addition of Crusader to your list strengthens your argument.

    1. i'll have to research this. i thought it was for cost.

  4. The F-35 will be cancelled once all the kinks are worked o ut.

    1. the F-35 is safe. it can't be touched but that isn't the issue. the issue for me is that the Marine Corps needs armor more than the F-35 right now.


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