Sunday, July 28, 2013

Will there be war between the Philippines and China via Bantay Spratly.

Read the article here.  Its fascinating but the comments are even more revealing.  For some, it seems that China and the US are simply using the Philippines as pawns in a game that it can't win.  I might be showing a bit of nationalism myself, but I marvel at how the Chinese can do all kinds of provocative acts and yet the US be blamed for engaging in some type of super power game.

As a sidenote, if you're interested in keeping up with the issue from a Philippine perspective then I highly recommend you bite the bullet (I did) and get a facebook account so you can keep up with Bantay Spratly's postings.  Its one of my best sources for info on the region.


  1. If it happens it will be a lopsided quick war and the Philippines will be wiped out in 72 hours. The Philippines don't stand a chance as it is and their best chances are to follow the Nordic militaries in how they try to starve the enemy before they fall to them.

  2. hell there have been guys hiding in the hills off and on fighting the Spanish, us, the Japanese, and the Filipino government for like almost 200 years, the ChiComs will bleed for sure if they tried an actual invasion, and when the Navy catches up with and isolates them on a island far from home they will get real lonely real quick

    1. The way the Philippines are right now, they would be wiped out in one shot. The Philippines don't stand a chance when China starts sailing a carrier fleet with Aircraft. All china has to do is sail their SSN's and SSK's around the Philippines and choke them off with SSK's and SSN's. The Philippines best chance is to have a military that can starve the inevitable and hope that the US or allies can come in.

  3. Yeah that was the U.S. Navy I was talking about, I heard that Spain just retired a carrier, Philippines should buy that

  4. You know what, there are signs that Filipinos warriors are getting tired of killing each other with politics or ideology as the excuse. Perhaps the Chinese can provide them with a welcome break from the boredom.


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