Thursday, August 15, 2013

A final word on those crazy firing positions.

Gun guys have adopted without much thought the idea of shooting from unbalanced and unsupported firing positions as the way to go.  Its a bad idea all around.  This is 3-gun stuff only.  But American Mercenary said it best....
I call B.S.
I'm on my third deployment and never had to shoot laying on my side, or know anyone who has. I've been through the AMU's SDM and CQB train the trainer courses, and I've trained in CQB with the AWG. That is my resume. None of those units train any sort of "laying on your side like a Hollywood action hero" form of shooting.
He's exactly right.  Click here to read his blog.  


  1. Hmmm...what you have in the photo is the VTAC barricade. That barricade and the shooting positions was developed by Kyle Lamb, yeah THAT Kyle Lamb. Is it likely to be a primary firing position, no. Can it hurt you to actually try the positions, and have some sort of experience with it in case you need it in the future? No. It can only help.

    1. i've polled the guys i know and not one of them has ever used one of these shooting positions in combat. i've also kept track of the latest training and know that this stuff is all hype with little applications in a real fight.

      one guy said it was to get people out of the range mentality. sorry but thats exactly what this puts you totally into a range mentality. if you want to play at real combat then have guys sprinting and jumping and running. have them hump for about 5 miles wearing full gear in 100 degree plus and then have them shoot. no one wants to do that because that hurts but everyone wants to play soldier.

      thats my point. this is all range shit and if you want to do the soldier thing then you're going to lose students because the real shit ain't fun shit.

  2. Sergeant Major (Retired) Kyle Lamb is a helluva warrior. He is a helluva warrior who now has to sell a training product in a fairly crowded market.

    For what it is worth, I've never seen his barrier training system used as a training tool by anyone in the US Army. I've seen lots of barriers, from 2x4 and plywood structures to MRE boxes to tables turned on their side.

    And going to gun school taught by a former Delta Operator won't make YOU a Delta Operator, just like I'm not AMU or AWG.


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