Friday, August 09, 2013

Amos gets thrown underneath the bus.

Huge thanks to my buddy for getting me this!  Keep your head down Bro!  Its hard to be a warrior in a force that is turning politically correct.

Boy.  It must suck to be Amos.

Think about it.  He goes out of his way to follow what he believes are his Commanders intent.  He interferes in an investigation.  He classifies his actions in order to protect himself.  Despite all that his slimy behavior gets out.  And then the SecDef publicly expresses his full support.

But then hell rains down.  Marine Times picks up the story and blasts it all over the world and military websites and analyst are suddenly paying attention.

But he has the support of the SecDef right?


Hagel just threw the bastard under the bus.  This memorandum basically says that the integrity of the Military Justice system must continue to APPEAR fair.  We all know thats bullshit but the illusion must be maintained.  Amos fucked up.  I expect the hammer to fall soon.  The Inspector General is out hunting and he might as well be in a petting zoo the game is so plentiful. The only question is what kind of lie will be told when Amos is forced to retire early.


  1. Isn't retirement for "health reasons" the usual BS story they send through the feed?

    Amos is the number one supporter of the F-35 program too so that's another blow to Lockheed. They are going to desperate to replace him with another F-35 supporter and fast.

    I can't help but to wonder if General Mattis was forced to retire early because he would be an obvious pic and the Pentagon might want someone else that's a little more congress-friendly...

    1. i think its worse than that. think about it. under this administration would you want to be Commandant? or any other member of the JCS?

      if you consider past history...all the way back to Rumsfeld, can you seriously say that its a great job? consider the idiot General Peter Pace. first Marine Chairman of the JCS. is he talked about as one of the greats? no, he's looked upon as being a political hat and basically Rummy's butt boy.

      think about the games that this administration has played against the JCS regarding budget. they got played and now they all look like fools. the cuts they've absorbed are more fierce than Simpson bowles.

      so the problem might not be getting a pro F-35 guy in the Commandant's Chair. it might be getting someone to take the job that will be respected by the rest of the Corps.

    2. I can't help but think that General Mattis would have been that guy. He is respected by the Corps and is known for being a great leader and decision maker. I'm wondering if he was told to retire early to avoid having him considered for the job or if he retired himself to avoid it. Maybe he didn't know anything about it. I'm just shooting from the hip here.

    3. oh Mattis would have been the man.

      the entire force would love the man, morale would improve immediately but so would standards...and not some bullshit like modifying the PFT or developing a CFT, but in getting back to the basics.

      but Mattis scared the shit out of the White House, he didn't play well with the bullshitters that wear uniforms inside the Pentagon and he would ask the hard questions. suddenly the boy wonders that surround the President would be revealed to be exactly what we all know them to be ... mentally weak and morally bankrupt.

      i can guarantee one other thing. the Marines would live within our means and the entire budget would be devoted to one STOVL airplane that is of questionable value in the primary mission set of close air support

    4. Mattis retired to make big bucks in the civilian world.

      But yes if he were commandant, unicorns would fly from the sky and he would kill sequestration with one swing of his cock, providing soloman was done sucking on it.

    5. correction. even a little research would show you that the man was forced to retire.

  2. My hope for this is that maybe some people are watching and seeing just how much a politician's favor is worth

    1. agreed. its almost a given that he was given his marching orders from the white house and he was only too happy to comply.

  3. As an aside, is this the Def Sec version of a Z-gram?

  4. Why would it "suck to be Amos"? He isn't resigning, the Secretary of Defense is backing him publicly, no charges have been filed, and they already said there isn't enough evidence to file. This story broke in May originally. its already peaked. How hard do you think the IG is going to go after this? the Marine getting his medical discharge is a big part of moving on and away from this.

    If the secretary of defense was "throwing him under the bus" he would rebuke him publicly. This memo doesn't even name him specifically. how is an internal memo that doesn't even mention the guy make his life suck? Sol if you commited a crime and then the sheriff vouched for you and they put out a bulletin that talked about it but didn't even name you , would you say that sucks for you? or that you just got away with it? does getting away with a crime suck for the criminal or the victims?

    He just got away with it. Thats the slap on the wrist. Its awesome to be Amos, because nothing it going to come of this. It sucks for everyone else though. Don't hold your breath on the IG finding anything that hasn't already been admitted or discovered.

    If that memo is "throwing him under the bus" Hagel needs to be taken aside and shown how to actually do it.


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