Friday, August 09, 2013

Amos gets thrown underneath the bus.

Huge thanks to my buddy for getting me this!  Keep your head down Bro!  Its hard to be a warrior in a force that is turning politically correct.

Boy.  It must suck to be Amos.

Think about it.  He goes out of his way to follow what he believes are his Commanders intent.  He interferes in an investigation.  He classifies his actions in order to protect himself.  Despite all that his slimy behavior gets out.  And then the SecDef publicly expresses his full support.

But then hell rains down.  Marine Times picks up the story and blasts it all over the world and military websites and analyst are suddenly paying attention.

But he has the support of the SecDef right?


Hagel just threw the bastard under the bus.  This memorandum basically says that the integrity of the Military Justice system must continue to APPEAR fair.  We all know thats bullshit but the illusion must be maintained.  Amos fucked up.  I expect the hammer to fall soon.  The Inspector General is out hunting and he might as well be in a petting zoo the game is so plentiful. The only question is what kind of lie will be told when Amos is forced to retire early.