Thursday, August 15, 2013

An audit of the V-22 is classified?

via Marine Corps Times.
The Pentagon’s internal watchdog is poised to publish a classified report scrutinizing how much time the military’s V-22 Osprey spends in maintenance and unprepared for flight.
The Defense Department inspector general’s audit will determine whether the Osprey’s performance “meets mission capability rate requirements, as well as how the frequency of repairs and the replacement of supply parts” affects its mission readiness, officials with the IG’s office wrote in their August newsletter.
It is not clear who requested the audit, but its results will be classified, according to Bridget Ann Serchak, the IG’s chief of public affairs. She declined to provide further details.
However, the process did encompass several years’ worth of data. A memorandum from the IG, dated January 2012, indicates the audit was to include V-22 operations from Oct. 1 2008 through Sept. 30, 2011.
MV-22s are operated by the Marine Corps, which has two variants, the “B” and “C” models. They’re used to move troops and equipment, and this week began flying in support of President Obama’s elite executive transport unit, Marine Helicopter Squadron 1. Air Force CV-22s are used for special operations missions.
The Navy has expressed interest in acquiring Ospreys, too, as have some foreign militaries, including both Israel and the United Arab Emirates.
V-22 audit is classified?

Why?  For what reason?

Unless its to help cover up wrongdoing by Senior Marine Corps Commanders...namely Amos and his directions to subordinate Commanders on how they were to report mission capable rates.

This guy is screwing up the Corps in ways that I could never imagine.

Amos has to go.  And the Pentagon needs to stop covering him on his bullshit. 

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