Monday, August 05, 2013

Blast from the Past. Fully Amphibious, Surf Capable M-113 (Modified) by FMC.

Note:  I've posted this before but sometimes it pays to dust off the old and reintroduce concepts already covered.

When will you know that the Marine Corps is actually serious about developing a modern Amphibious Combat Vehicle?

When we finally have a real discussion about how many Marines it should be designed to carry!

When the LVTP-7 was developed that was a discussion the old skool Marines had, and from my readings it was rather spirited.  The debate was between rapid buildup of forces ashore and the vulnerability of the vehicles (and potential loss of life if hit) when they traveled on to the objective.

Two vehicles were submitted.  One that carried a Squad plus of Marines (the LVTP-7...upgraded to the AAV we all know) and one that carried fewer Marines (the vehicle you see above).  The Marine Personnel Carrier Program that was recently cancelled split the baby perfectly and would have revolutionized mechanized combat in the Marine Corps.

Now.  We're stuck with old vehicles that will be upgraded for the foreseeable future.


  1. didn't the Greeks or someone wind up buying those I thought? If so they're still around and still newer than what the Corps has now?

  2. I bet if someone was smart, they could use the added bulk of the wave-friendly hull and combine it into wave-friendly spaced armor.


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