Monday, August 19, 2013

Blohm+Voss MEKO® 600 Class Escort Frigate

Thanks for the links Nicky!

Based on the proven design of the Blohm+Voss Class 124 frigate, the Blohm+Voss MEKO® 600 escort frigate incorporates all of the redundancy, survivability, stealth, sea-keeping and helicopter operability of the German Navy ships, but upgraded to incorporate enhanced state-of-the-art electronics and more powerful weapons. The Blohm+Voss MEKO® 600 has been designed to fulfil ASW, AAW, ASuW, sea control, power projection, escort and task force protection and commander task force missions. This vessel is particularly suited for blue water escort of high value assets and the defence of national offshore key points.
And then this light frigate thats another LCS killer....

Superiority by Flexibility

The Combat Ship for the Littorals (CSL) is a highly innovative design incorporating an ingenious fusion of technologies including MEKO® Mission Modularity, extreme high speeds, a combination of steel hull and composite superstructure, an integrated mast, total stealth characteristics, a 360° bridge concept completed by all advanced MEKO® features and thus presents the most advanced MEKO® design in the product range of ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.
The MEKO® CSL is designed as a mono-hull with the hull constructed of higher tensile steel and the superstructure of FRP sandwich material. This choice was taken due to some advantages of this material combination, such as lower structural weight, which results in higher weight allowance for the Multi Mission payload, lower RCS due to similar electrical conductivity of both materials but higher flatness of the composite panels for the superstructure as well as a lower infra-red signature due to better thermal conductivity.

It really should be obvious to everyone by now.

The LCS is the wrong ship, at too great a cost, that delivers too little.

I'm not holding my breath but it would be refreshing to hear the Chief Of Naval Operations have the guts to say that we were wrong and we need to start over.