Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Culberson+Real Housewives of OC & the USMC.


I don't know this Culberson guy from Adam.

Don't want to know him.  But this "joker" showed up in my daily alert on the 11th MEU.  Why?  Because he's a goddamn celebrity on that truly great tv show, the Real housewives of Orange County!  Note:  Sarcasm pegged out.

I could careless but suddenly this guys actions are so over the top that supposedly other Marines have been bombarding the 11th MEU's Public Affairs Office demanding that the guy be placed on charges if for no other reason than for conduct unbecoming and bringing discredit to the Marines.

On this one, I don't want to know more but figured if you didn't see it you should at least know how to get to it so click here and follow up by doing your own web search.

Marines are now on TV reality shows.  The end of the world as we know it can't be too far off.....

1 comment :

  1. Even better than the gossip rags, which are dedicated to feeding the garbage reality show followers, better to link to Battle Rattle on this mess?:


    and follow up


    Both of the short clips do not show his entire tirade, btw. One needs to watch the whole 15 minutes to see this SSgt yell and curse at others, throw an elbow and generally continue the embarrassing rant.

    In addition, the 65 year old mother (the guest in Culberson's mother-in-law's home) who was the subject of Culberson's rage, has gone on record to rebut his statement that his behavior was a result of poor editing. She publicly denied having any drink in hand, much less red wine, and said the scene reflected the actual event.

    OOH-RAH!!! Carry on.


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