Thursday, August 08, 2013

Et tu General Mattis????

via Marine Corps Times.
James Mattis, the retired four-star Marine Corps general who spent just under three years as the commander of the United States’ most active combatant command, is joining the board of General Dynamics, the company announced Wednesday.
Mattis retired in May, two months after handing off command of U.S. Central Command, his most significant post that wrapped up more than 40 years in uniform. He oversaw the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq in 2011, as well as continued efforts to contain violence in Afghanistan.
“Jim Mattis is a visionary and an inspiring leader who is renowned for his wisdom, courage and integrity,” said Phebe Novakovic, General Dynamics CEO, in a statement released by the company. “General Dynamics is honored to have him join our board.”

I'm gonna have to chew on this one a while.  I know its par for the course when it comes to retired Generals but if anyone was gonna buck that, I thought for sure General Mattis would.


  1. Look at the bright side of this; Gen Mattis is now going to see where weapons systems come from on the industry side. So when the government writes a spec that is impossible, such doubling the horsepower from a diesel engine for the EFV, Gen Mattis will now know what it is like to be on the opposite side. This will only benefit him for his future assignment as Secretary of Defense. Seriously the next President needs to get down on one knee and beg Gen Mattis to be the SecDef.

  2. Kill your heroes, Sol ;)

    the money is too good. Civil servants, in charge of tens of thousands of men, budgets of billions of dollars and they get a chance to earn 10x what they made in their last year of service? For attending a few Board meetings and reading reports? The call of the private 18-hole golf course and fat investor portfolio is is too much for these guys to resist.


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