Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Explosion/deaths reported on Indian Kilo Class Sub.

Massive thanks to SU-30MKI for the info!

via the Miami Herald.
NEW DELHI -- The Indian navy submarine crippled by an explosion and fire that killed at least some of the 18 sailors aboard Wednesday had been damaged in another deadly blast in 2010, and had been brought back into service only about six months ago.
The latest explosion sent a huge fireball into the air and sent nearby sailors jumping into the sea in panic. It is shaping up to be another embarrassment for India's military, which has been hit with a corruption scandal as it races to modernize its forces.
Defense Minister A.K. Antony said some sailors were killed but gave no other details.
"It's a loss to all of us. It's a tragedy," Antony told reporters in New Delhi before leaving for Mumbai to assess the situation.
Read the whole story here.

I hadn't posted much on the Indian Sub Force, but this is one of those weapon systems that I thought would give the Chinese fits in certain parts of the Pacific.

I won't begin to speculate on this one.  My best goes to the Sailors and their families...and a hope that those that are reported trapped are quickly rescued.


  1. Rest in peace brothers. Brave men indeed......

    1. Brave ? they just die in accident, in dock. There is nothig brave in that. Wrong place, wrong time.

      INS Sindhurakshak is indeed, unlucky ship. Or rather, was.

    2. rather cavalier statement from a person that knows that even training in the military is dangerous. if you serve you understand that. people die and get injured everyday, they realize the risks yet they still do their jobs. thats bravery. they could do simpler, easier and much less dangerous/demanding work. but they do it for their country. i call that patriotism.

      long story short. you should know better dude.

    3. I know that Sol, I was serving in military. It is a dangerous job, like many other jobs. But that was an accident, someone screw up something and people die. Not all death in military or police or firefight service is brave. Sometimes it's just a death. In that case a would not say that some sailor die bravely because he was standing on pier and smoking and couple of meters from him torpedo explode by accident. This is a tragic, that's for sure. Sol you know like me that military is full of definitely not a brave people.

      Sometimes death is just a terrible accident and there is nothing brave in that.

    4. well if you take that line of thought then there is no such thing as a heroic death if you get down to it. a child about to be run over and someone attempts to save the child but dies instead? that person was selfish to his own family. a soldier is ordered to take a hill? he follows orders and is mowed down by machinegun fire? nothing heroic, he was simply following orders. if he followed the orders and knew that he would die then he was suicidal.

      you're being extremely cold blooded on this issue. it can be rationalized to make your point of view seem valid but in the end it all boils down to be cold to the thought that sailors in another country died while performing their duty. maybe not in combat but doing their duty none the less.

    5. It's is cold, that's true. I totally agree that they die while performing their duty. For me, die breavly means that you have done something special, something beyond line of duty. If you storm a hill and die, for me you just die doing your duty. But if you die because you throw yourself on enemy MG to save your brothers in arms, this is bravely death.

      But as you said, this is my point of view. Maybe not the right point for many people, but it's my and I belive in it.

  2. Dear Shas...I totally disagree with you...those sailors were not partying in the subs...they were serving their country...and if you have any knowledge about Navy then you'll know that Subs are the most dangerous and vulnerable war machines to work with...

    1. I will disagree with your disagree lad. If some, let's say... hmm quartermaster officer from New London sub base die in some car accident inside the base you will say "that man die bravely like true hero" ? Or "He die in terrible accident, he was just in wrong place, wrong time". In this case there was nothing brave in that death, just a terrible accident and loss of life. And you just can't say that they die bravely only because they serve on subs, like death of some sailor from destroyer was not good enough.

      Sometimes you just die and there is nothing bravely in that.

  3. Amos strikes again, amiright?

    1. Awfully Chickenshit hiding behind a keyboard and taunting people. The sad thing is you go out of your way to visit the blog AND then go to the added measure of insulting people.

  4. My guess is that salt water came in contact with the batteries and chargers in port, leading to KABOOM. . . Moral of the story: If you spend money, time, and effort training your people, don't cheap out on the toys. . .

  5. It's what happens, when you don't train people properly. It seems like India is learning that lesson the HARD WAY.

    1. Or just don't buy monkey models.

    2. I guess that's what happen when India invested Monkeys for Submarine crews

    3. really Nicky? submariners die in an accident and you talk about monkeys???? i thought you better than that.

  6. One report says that the explosion was caused by a torpedo being loaded into the sub. An eyewitness reported hearing a noise like a rocket before the blast. Have the Indians bought the Skval torpedo from the Russians? The Skval is a very high speed torpedo that is essentially an undersea rocket. Air bubbles are sent out of the front of the torpedo to essentially make a curtain around the length of the torpedo to decease drag in the water. These torpedoes use very unstable chemicals for propellant. The Russkies sank one of their own attack boats a few years ago in their own waters when a torpedo exploded in the sub.

    1. Some of India's Kilos have been fitted to carry the N-27 missile system. They can also carry the N-15 ASROC. It could have been one of those that made a rocket like noise before exploding.

  7. Slightly unrelated to this, but I just found an awesome article that is extremely current regarding the Super Hornet vs. F-35C debate:

    Best quote from the article: "The (Super Hornet)program may see some additional domestic sales as a result of congressional action. Although the Pentagon’s fiscal year 2014 budget request did not include any procurement of Super Hornets, the House version of the National Defense Authorization Act set aside long-lead funding to buy Super Hornets in 2015."

    There is still a force somewhere in the House that is pushing for more Super Hornets. If this makes it past the Senate then the Super Hornet is golden...

    1. I know this is not related to this in any way, but I was just so excited to see that the Super Hornet still has a good chance to push back against the F-35C that it made my day.

      Sferrin is going to be so pissed when he sees this...

    2. Boeing thinks they are going to sell more stuff? My god. Stop the presses.


      but analysts said that the company’s projections are overly confident given the grim fiscal environment.


    3. Let me put it this way: It's not a big deal unless it's in the House or Senate. In this case it is in the House and has a very real chance of happening.


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