Monday, August 12, 2013

Gibraltar and the Falklands officially linked...

via SkyNews.
Reports in the Spanish media suggested that the diplomatic row could escalate to the United Nations, with Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy's government receiving support from Argentina.
Spanish foreign minister Jose Garcia-Margallo is expected to propose that the two countries present a "united front" over Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands, the El Pais newspaper reported.
Mr Garcia-Margallo will sound out his Argentinian counterpart, Hector Timerman, during a meeting in Buenos Aires next month as he prepares for a "180-degree turn in policy towards the colony", the newspaper said.
Meanwhile, Spanish defence minister Pedro Morenes has said it is "totally normal" for British warships to dock in Gibraltar in what is a "routine visit", according to reports.
Mr Morenes reportedly told the Europa Press news agency: "Neither the British nor the Spanish government have an interest in there being bad relations."
He also said that aircraft carrier HMS Illustrious had requested and been granted permission to stop off at the southern Spanish naval base of Rota on August 18, proving that there was no military escalation between the two countries.

I'm not quite following the thinking here.  Why is this going beyond the EU?  Why would the Spanish FM seek to link Gibraltar and the Falklands issues?

Why is this little dispute being allowed to grow?

I'm either missing something here or someone has an agenda.  Either way accidents happen and accidents lead to injuries.  If you're lucky that is.


  1. All bark and no bite, nothing more. This is an non-issue in europe.

    1. ok. but it would appear that Spain considers it an issue even if the Brits don't.

    2. The Spanish are merely using it to cover up their bankrupt economy, corrupt local government and their own overseas "territories". Though that last point might come back to haunt them...

    3. Or it could be the fact they are trying to sell some old Mirage F-1's to Argentina. This rhetoric continues for a while. When the sale happens, the issues suddenly vanish....

  2. Spain have quite a few similar overseas territories in North Africa such as Cueta and Mellila, while Gibraltar was ceded by Spain in perpetuity to Britain - they have no leg to stand on here.

    Spain and Argentina are simply trying to stir up nationalist sentiment to offset appalling domestic economic conditions. To a degree, while the UK is on the receiving end, it also suits the UK govt to appear tough over the issue.

  3. Gibraltar holds the gates of the Mediterranean sea and the Atlantic.
    Any Med force that sorties into the Atlantic must go through this choke point, as does any Naval force from the Black sea. The only other access is the Suez also a choke point.
    Spain and the Hispanic and Latino nations of South and Central America go back some 500 years. There are sympathies with Argentina over those Falkland Islands which are further away from Spain unlike Gibraltar which is next door.
    If Spain were to effectively aid the Argentinians diplomatically Gibraltar is the place. I'm quite sure Vlad would love to control Gibraltar through the Spanish government. Shut NATO and the 6th Fleet right out of the Med.


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