Tuesday, August 06, 2013

I'm calling bullshit on SLD in regards to Special Purpose MAGTF (Crisis Response).

SLD wrote an article trying to prop up the Special Purpose MAGTF (Crisis Response).  You can click here to read it for yourself, but be advised...I'm calling bullshit on the whole thing.

The thing that annoys me most about this is that it creates a brand new command.  The Marine Corps has its MEU's that are purpose built and float the seven seas waiting for trouble.  As a reader pointed out just yesterday when trouble hit in Liberia, the 26th MEU back in 97 (I believe thats the time frame) sent its LPD to conduct an embassy evacuation while its big deck remained on station conducting a larger more involved evacuation of personnel from another country.

So what is this formation really?  Its simply another slot for Marine Colonels to hang their hats. When did the Marine Corps become the land of the juicy command without actual need?  The fact that its aviation centric is another issue but one I'll ignore for the time being.

If you want to see how things are going off the rails then look at this SPMAGTF(CR).  If you want to see something that should be killed at birth then look at this formation. 

Unneeded Commands.  A Commandant that doesn't have the integrity to resign when he's caught up in wrongdoing.  And now a publication that is attempting to put lipstick on a pig.

Yeah.  We're screwed.