Thursday, August 01, 2013

Marine Armor Predictions.

I've been playing catch up on the latest news from the SecDef regarding his "fears" if Sequestration continues.

Oh and be advised.  It will continue.

And I keep coming back to the same issue.  What does this mean for the Amphibious Combat Vehicle?

It means bad news.  The Aviation Commandant has already delayed it 3 times and when Sequestration hits full force this fall, that will be the final nail in the coffin for this program.  We'll hear the same excuses that we did for the Marine Personnel Carrier.  Talk about how it'll be revisited.  Talk about how we can make do with the vehicle we have.  Talk about how this is managed risk.

But in the end, we'll have Marines riding into combat in 50 years old vehicles.

SideNote:  From what I'm hearing the JLTV is DRT...Dead Right There.  Notice no public discussion of the program?  Its because its being taken down to the river and held under until it stops kicking.


  1. My god, its almost like there isn't enough money to do everything or something!

  2. Funding for JLTV sailed through Senate Appropriations for the 14 defense budget.


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