Friday, August 16, 2013

Navy to reduce Admirals? Troops better duck...its gonna be bad.

Upon the recommendation of the Chief of Naval Operations, the Secretary of the Navy has approved a plan that will result in 34 Navy Flag Officer positions being reduced, eliminated, or consolidated
The plan aligns Navy Flag Officer billet structure to inventory, complies with statutory limits of USC Title 10, and preserves Navy’s ability to meet Joint flag officer requirements
The plan balances these reductions across officer communities and enables Flag Officer promotions to occur within the year of selection.
Navy Flag Officer end strength adjustments are already underway using a phased approach that involves reduced promotions and increased retirements.
This revised billet structure postures the service to absorb future reductions in headquarters and staff due to sequestration.
This initiative is aligned with similar manpower policies enacted over the past few years to adjust inventory and billet structure of the officer and enlisted force.
Everyone has been sending me the blurb you see above as a sign that the Pentagon is getting its house in order.

Consider me a contrarian, but I see something different.  Just like certain programs were offered up to keep the F-35 untouched, I see this as an attempt to justify going after the troops in a huge way.

When the SecDef appears before congress and says I want to axe X amount of servicemen, you can bet a few Senators and Representatives will say cut the number of generals and admirals first.

He'll sit back and say, Sir, I already did.

Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen better saddle up.  This is gonna be nasty.  Oh and the reenlistment package you have stashed away thinking it makes you golden ain't gonna be enough once they start slicing.  Be smart, get your affairs in order now in case the worst happens. 


  1. That is why when after an Admin error, this 10 year 4+ point sailor was given a career recovery option of converting to another rate in order to "stay Navy," I chose to get out on my own terms. Even back in 2011, I could see the writing on the wall and even being a 4.5 sailor wouldn't matter for someone in an over-manned rate, especially for someone starting all over in a new rate. And don't even get me started on why I didn't join the reserves!

    1. yeah you could see what i'm seeing now. 4.5 and still on a bubble? that's insane. i wonder how many admirals and generals would rate as being "not up to standards"

      this is gonna be brutal because they want toys more than an experienced force. the crazy thing is that the force is about to revert back to pre-1980 stage. no combat experience, just a bunch of slackers and ass kissers that slipped through while the hard chargers are all swept aside.

  2. Sol,

    Yep, mid ’80 force. That is what I told my soldiers right before I retired. Bullets for field training exercises will be rationed. I told them their best bet would try to transfer to USASOC, SOCOM or XVII ABN Corps for five years to let the dust settle. Those commands will have the most funding in the Army. If feel for the Marines- great PR machine and alumni association in Congress, the Corps budget goes through the Navy. Like you said to get your stuff squared away and stay fit to fight.

  3. 34? If he was really serious, 34 would be all that was left after a good house-cleaning.

    I think you might be right, it's window-dressing. the Flag-officer will be reduced, but their staffs will be re-assigned to other bloated commands.


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