Monday, August 12, 2013

Old Skool Arctic Patrol.


  1. Replies
    1. indeed. simpler time or a time of greater clarity?

  2. Simpler time. Our values were clear. Our enemies were countries with uniformed services. I honestly miss the Cold War and the bi-polar world order that it bought. Now it seems like our enemies are indistinguishable from civilians in most cases and our own country seems to be shifting toward the value of our Cold War enemies. What shocked me the most was the Snowden incident. I honestly never thought there would ever be a time when Russia would be viewed in the west as being in the right against the US government, but it happened. Today, I'm honestly more worried about American citizens giving away their rights to an overly controlling US government and a congress that spends itself into debt beyond repair. We tragically seem to be our own worst enemy now.


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