Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Pure Craziness. Trying to make the most barbaric of human activities civilized.

via the Washington Times.  Read this "Colonel's" thinking in its entirety at their place.
An Army officer writing in a prestigious journal says the services should not overemphasize physical strength when deciding whether a woman qualifies for direct ground combat.
Col. Ellen Haring, on the staff of the U.S. Army War College, says commanders need to downplay obstacle courses and judge a service member’s ability to stay calm and think quickly.
The Pentagon has lifted its ban on women serving in the infantry, tanks and special operations, and the branches are examining all their physical standards in preparation for introducing women into these units in 2015.
Some military analysts fear the Pentagon will discard some standards to ensure that a significant number of women qualify.
“Perhaps it is time to take a hard look at what really makes a competent combat soldier and not rely on traditional notions of masculine brawn that celebrate strength over other qualities,” Col. Haring says in the current issue of Armed Forces Journal.
She cites World War II hero Audie Murphy and North Vietnamese insurgents as examples of small people who came up big on the battlefield.
“If the going-in assumption is that physical standards are the only thing that needs to be examined, then we are also assuming that we have everything else just right,” she wrote. “This is belied by our less-than-optimal performances in many instances during the past 12 years. Fixating on physical standards is a tactical-level approach that misses a strategic-level opportunity.”
This is craziness.

We are not at a point where physical strength can be separated from participation in ground combat.

This effort to civilize combat by making it a place where physical strength plays no role is to ignore the obvious.

I don't even know how to properly respond to this except to say that we're getting a sneak inside the goings on with the women in combat thinking.

If things were rosy and it looked like smooth sailing for a large group of women to start showing up in Marine Infantry, Tank and Artillery Battalions do you think we would be hearing this?

No.  We wouldn't.

I never expected it, but it seems that the JCS is actually attempting to be honest in this portion of things and isn't rolling completely over to satisfy their master in the White House.  Still it won't matter in the end.  By hook or crook, women will be in the infantry and they're going face a special kind of hell.  I say this with respect although some will view it as being racist.

We're heading back to the Pacific and will face some of the fiercest, most barbaric and most unyielding peoples on this planet.  Every war we've ever fought in the Pacific has been a bloodbath   From WW2 to Korea to Vietnam to even the Mayaguez incident the Pacific has always given us trouble.  I don't know the reason why, I just know that from my minds eye its always been true.  This will be the wrong place to test women in the infantry but if we end up getting into a fight there it will be something to see.


  1. Why the fuck is this cunt even in the army? Plenty show up and do good work in their fields and this piece of shit is giving them all a bad name. Not to mention officers. One more example of a selfish piece of shit that care more about their packet than the service. I know a lot of college kids are fucking stupid but I kinda thought the long hours they had to put in in rotc or the academy would force them to see a Little more sense then this. This bitch is going to get more people killed than hasan.

  2. Hmm, a STAFF officer in the Army, who works at the War College isn't an expert on what is actually necessary to be an effective soldier/marine.

    Oh, and this woman has SUED the U.S. Military for being "discriminatory" to women.


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