Tuesday, August 13, 2013

So much for the US being welcomed back to the Philippines with open arms....

pics via Bantay Sprantly.

I don't know what to say.  I hope the rioter doesn't land that heel stomp on the officers knee or he'll be a cripple for the rest of his life.


  1. It's Ironic, that the Philippines cry and run to the US for protection, but once their, they demand to kick the US Military out. Maybe the best thing for them is to leave, hand them old equipment and let them defend themselves.

  2. I would not read too much into this. I have seen worse riots here in the US against the US.

    There will always be those who oppose anything you do.

    “You can please some of the people some of the time, all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time.”

  3. sounds like a good start, apparently our administration thinks we will never actually have to be ready to fight again so someone may as well use the gear.....

  4. LOL. See the placard on the second pic? It says "KMU", a known extreme leftist/communist group.

    These guys are known troublemakers and protest just about everything, and always blames "US Imperialism".

    Seriously Solomon,are you low on stories today? Please don't give these attention-whores anymore free press. Thinking these guys represent the rest of the Philippines is like thinking the Westboro Baptist Church represents the whole USA.

    btw Solomon, I sent you an email on snafu_blogspot@yahoo


    1. i got it. its going up tomorrow. the way i do it, i have two main issues i want to get out. two more Marine Corps specific minor issues and then try and hit two or three general history, firearms, morale or human interest things i happen across everyday.

      that way i can try and get out around 5 stories or more everyday. i have some stuff thats two days old that i have to put up it just hasn't hit the publish key yet.

  5. I knew when I saw only close-ups that there was more to the story…. Only 20-30 people were protesting.

    For a country of millions, 20-30 people protesting are statistically insignificant. For example, over 400 farmers protested a test of GMO rice.

    1. i contest the 20-30 people number by way of my source for these pics. by the way even 200 or 300 would be insignificant, but all that's missing the point.

      the point is that despite China being on their doorstep ready to take Philippine land, the country isn't entirely unified in wanting us back. additionally those that did show up to this event were violent and ready for a fight. well at least more ready than the police by the looks of the pics.

      it seems that many of my readers are quick to downplay any event short of open warfare. i disagree with that view. events take place in stages, analyst are suppose to look for those events. i'm just trying to do the same.

  6. Replies
    1. no idea but like i told Spudman, the fact that these "rioters" showed up ready to fight tells more than many are ready to realize. but thanks for reminding me of that element. toss in the communist with the insurgents mixed in with islamic radicals and you could have a boiling pot in the Philippines if we're not careful.

    2. Eric Palmer, are you asking "real communists"? Actually just a few. Most of the protesters are paid, the communists take advantage of the poor by promising them money and almost anything they can think of.

    3. could the Chinese be playing a part in this? from what i read earlier it seemed like Marines going back to the Philppines was a done deal then out of nowhere i'm hearing politicians and public leaders speaking out against it.

      i didn't publish it but i even read that a former defense official warned against it. what gives???

  7. Sorry. Forgot to add, they most likely are all communists. Also where that one cop is down and out numbered on the ground. That is a shooting matter. Easy decision.


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